Environment Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 3 (2017/18)

Environment Committee Agenda 05.09.17

Environment Committee Minutes 05.09.17


No Item
38 Apologies for Absence
39 Declarations of Interest
40 Minutes of Meeting 2 held on 4 July 2017: Acceptance  and signing.

40. Environment Minutes 04.07.17

41 Cheshire West & Chester Tree and Woodland Strategy – Paul Nolan, Mersey Forest.
42 Opportunity for the Public to Speak
42.1 Ginny Kirk on Unconventional Exploitation of Oil and Gas (includes Fracking).
43 Tree Matters
43.1 To note Cheshire West & Chester Council’s Tree Strategy consultation and consider a response.

43.1 proposed draft tree and woodland strategy questionnaire

43.2 To discuss any tree issues and agree actions.
44 UEOG Working Group
44.1 To note the minutes of the meeting held on 5 July 2017.

44.1 UEOG Working Group Minutes 5.07.17

44.2 To receive an update on future meetings.
44.3 To discuss issues raised in public speaking time.
45 Hob Hey Wood

To receive the 5 year plan from Mersey Forest and decide on future action.

45. Refreshed mgt plan Hob Hey Wood 2016 -2026

46 Woodland Trust Tree Packs

To note that Woodland Trust is inviting applications for free tree packs & consider whether to apply.

46. Free trees for schools and communities – Woodland Trust

47 Howey Lane
47.1 To note the response of Cheshire West & Chester Council to concerns about highway safety.

47.1 Response to Enquiry 2326970 – Howey Lane Frodsham

47.2 To receive an update on the tree survey and agree any actions.
48 Rights of Way Maintenance
48.1 Application to delete Footpath 26 Frodsham.

48.1 App to delete FP 26

48.2 Footpaths – to discuss any issues and agree actions.
49 Manley Road Copse

To receive an update and agree any actions required.

50 Community Orchards

To receive and update on the Ship Street Community Garden and agree action.

50. Ship St Community Garden

51 Litter Picking

To note that the next event will be on 9 September 2017.

52 Crowmere

To discuss a complaint from Cllr Pennington about grass cutting around the lake.

53 River Weaver Navigation Society

To receive an update and agree actions.

54 Cheshire’s Sandstone Ridge

To note the invitation to attend a meeting on the future of the Sandstone Ridge on 12 September.

55 Clerk’s Items

Any other matters considered to be urgent for discussion, or item for next agenda.

56 Date of the next meeting: Tuesday 3 October at 7pm at Castle Park House.
