Events Committee

Event Details

Meeting 4 (2022/23)

4. Events Agenda 06-12-2022

4. Events Minutes 06-12-2022

34.  Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies and reasons for absence from members.

35.  Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest.

36.  Minutes of Meeting 3 held on 11th October 2022

To agree and sign the minutes as a true and accurate record.

3. Events Minutes 11-10-2022

37.  Public Participation

Members of the public are invited to address the meeting on agenda items.

38.  Halloween Event

To receive feedback from the recent event held on 29th October 2022.

39.  Remembrance Day

To receive feedback from the recent Remembrance Service Events held in November 2022.

40.  Christmas Festival

To receive feedback from the Christmas Festival held on 26th November 2022.

41.  Christmas Lighting 2023 and Beyond

To receive quotations for the Christmas lighting set up, dismantling and onsite assistance, considering a way forward for 2023 and beyond (recommending to Full Council if necessary).

42.  Frodsham Festival of Walks

  • To receive feedback from the 2022 Festival of Walks
  • To consider a request to add £1,500 grant to the 23/24 budget for Festival of Walks provision.


43.  Field Hire Request

To consider a request from Tony Hopkins Entertainment Ltd to hire the field at the Community Centre for the use of a small, all human, family circus from 24th – 30th April 2023. The Community Centre has already confirmed availability of the field across these dates.

44.  Frodsham Care Homes Christmas Provision

To receive a quotation for the supply and delivery of cakes to Frodsham Care Homes and agree delivery dates.

45.  Warm, Welcoming Spaces

To consider making a donation towards the Warm & Welcoming Spaces Initiative in Frodsham.

46.  Clerk’s Report

To receive a report from the Town Clerk.

47.  Date of Next Meeting

To note the date of the next meeting: 7th February 2023.