Frodsham Town Council

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 8 (2019/20)

Frodsham Town Council Agenda 25-11-2019 (8)

Frodsham Town Council Minutes 25-11-2019 (8)


No Item
110 Election of Chair for the remainder of the 2019-2020 Council year
111 Apologies
112 Declarations of interest
113 PCSO

To receive report from PCSO Neil Flanagan

114 Grants

Chair to present grant cheques to 3rd Frodsham Scout Group, Coleman Flaherty, Frodsham Bees Netball Club, Frodsham Methodist Church, Mid Cheshire MIND

115 Frodsham Youth Association

To receive a report

115 Frodsham Youth Association report for Frodsham Town Council November 2019

116 Right for the public to speak
117 Cheshire West and Chester Councillors

To receive a report from Cllr L Riley & Cllr A Dawson

118 Co-option

To consider whether to co-opt to fill the current Castle Park vacancy following the notice from the Monitoring Officer to confirm that no election has been called.

119 Ship Street Play Area

119 Options Appraisal – (feedback)

119.1 To approve the options appraisal format as circulated

119.1 Options Appraisal (proposed) Nov 2019

119.1 Options Appraisal Scoring (proposed) Nov 2019

119.2 To appoint one Councillor from each ward to form an Options Appraisal Working Group with Cllr Hayes as advisor and J O’Donoghue as Clerk to the group
119.3 To approve and sign a non-disclosure agreement between Frodsham Town Council and members of the Options Appraisal Working Group.

119.3 Non disclosure agreement

119.4 To agree date of first meeting
120 Cheshire West and Chester Councillors

To receive a report from Cllr L Riley & Cllr A Dawson

WITHDRAWN – duplicate of item 117

121 Committee Membership

To agree membership of Amenities Committee, Staffing Committee (1 vacancy), Events Committee, Policy & Process Committee

121 Committees-and-Working-Groups

122 Frodsham Community Centre and Frodsham Youth Association

To receive an update report from Cllr Dawson



123 To approve and sign minutes
123.1  To approve minutes of meeting number 6 held 23/09/2019

Frodsham Town Council Minutes 23-09-19 (6)

123.2 To approve minutes of meeting number 7 held 7/10/2019

Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting of Frodsham Town Council 07-10-19 (7)

124 Castle Park

To receive an update on the proposed asset transfer

124.1 To consider Frodsham Town Council’s position
125 Finance

125 Finance reports

125.1 To note the expenditure during October was £43,046.80 and income was £5,577.50
125.2 To approve and sign the accounts to include bank reconciliations
126 Planning Committee
126.1 To note the minutes of the Planning Committee held 23/09/2019, 28/10/2019 and the decisions taken.
127 Policy & Process Committee

To note the minutes of the extra ordinary Policy & Process Committee held 2/10/2019, 28/10/2019 and the decisions taken

127 PP Minutes 02-10-2019(3)

127 PP Minutes 28-10-2019(4)

127.1 To approve the recommendation that Cemetery Committee is merged into P & P Committee
128 Amenities Committee

To note the minutes of the Amenities Committee held 8/10/2019 and the decisions taken

128 Amenities Minutes 8-10-19

129 Cemetery Committee

To note the minutes of the extra ordinary Cemetery Committee held 16/10/2019 and the decisions taken

129 Cemetery Minutes 16-10-19

130 Events Committee

To note the minutes of the Events Committee held 7/11/2019 and the decisions taken

130. Events Committee Minutes 7-11-19 (3)

131 Working group records
131.1 Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

To note the minutes of the meeting held 30/09/2019 and 14/10/2019

131.1 NP 30.09.19

131.1 NP 14.10.19

132  Clerk’s report

To receive any information items and agree any action to be taken

133 Council vehicle

To receive an update and agree action to be taken

134 To resolve to exclude members of the press and public under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 Sec 1 (2) due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
135 Confidential staffing issue

Consideration of next steps (if any)

136 Frodsham Community Centre and Frodsham Youth Association

To receive an update from Cllr Dawson

137 Close of meeting