Frodsham Town Council

Event Details

  • Date:

Agenda – Meeting 19 (2019/21)

This meeting was being held in accordance with Local Authorities and Police & Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Crime Panels Meeting) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020.

Members of the public were invited to join the meeting via Zoom.

Frodsham Town Council Agenda January 25-01-2021

Frodsham Town Council Minutes January 25-01-2021

Draft minutes will be made available as soon as possible after the meeting.

Audio recording

Video recording


270.             Apologies for absence

To receive apologies

271.             Declarations of interest

To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.

272.             Apology from the Town Clerk

To note the Clerk’s apology to all Councillors regarding handling of the budget meeting held 11th January.  The apology was made on 16th January.

273.             Requests from the public to speak

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:

274.             PCSO report

To receive a report from PCSO Neil Flanagan and note procedure for Councillors reporting Council issues to PCSO Neil Flanagan.

274. PCSO Report 25.01.2021

275.             Cheshire West and Chester Council

To receive a report from Cllr Lynn Riley

276.             Town Councillor Vacancy

To note that, following a resignation, there is a vacancy in Waterside Ward.  Cheshire West and Chester Council has been informed and the vacancy notice was published on 19th January 2021: .

277.             Approval of minutes

  1. To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held 23rd November 2020
    277(a) Draft Minutes November 23-11-2020
  2. To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held 11th January 2021
    277(b) Draft minutes January 11-01-2021

278.             Accounts Report December 2020

278 Accounts report

  1. To note the report provided by the Clerk
  2. To note that expenditure during December was £17,991.07 (listing on page 1 of the report) and Appendix A.
  3. To note that income during December was £2,876.00 (listing on page 2 of the report) and Appendix B
  4. To note the account balances and bank reconciliations
  5. To approve and sign the report

279.             Assets register

To approve the updated assets register – amended to reflect the internal auditor’s advice that that financial regulations require that any item gifted to the Town Council must be registered with a value of £1.00.

279 Assets register 2020-2021

280.             Risk Assessment

To approve the 2020-2021 risk assessment

280 Risk Assessment 2020-2021

281.             Community Memorial Working Group and Memorial Path Working Group

  1. To receive a report from Cllr Griffiths
  2. To consider combining the two Working Groups into one joint Working Group reporting directly to Amenities Committee.

282.             Committee and Working Group Members

To confirm and approve membership

282 Committee update Jan 2021

283.             Trust meetings

  1. To agree a date for a meeting of the Friends of Hob Hey Wood Trust
  2. To agree a date for a meeting of Frodsham Recreational Grounds Trust
  3. To agree a date for a meeting of Overton Hill Memorial Trust

284.             Co-option

  1. To approve the recommendation from the Policy, Process and Revenue Committee held 21/12/2020 with regard to policy, procedure and documentation.
  2. To note that co-option can take place at the March 2021 meeting of Council following approval of procedure above.

285.             Councillor training

  1. To note that Cllr training is provided by Cheshire Association of Local Councils
  2. To note Cheshire Association of Local Councils training schedule
    285b Virtual Training Schedule ChALC
  3. To note Cheshire Association of Local Councils provide bespoke training tailored to meet the needs of an individual Council
  4. To consider Councillor training plan

286.             Complaints

  1. To note that the procedure for dealing with complaints about the Council and individual Cllrs (by both Cllrs and residents) is available on the website:
  2. To note that Frodsham Town Council, as a corporate body and employer, has a duty of care towards all employees. “Being a good employer – a guide for parish and town councillors” issued with agenda.
    286(b) Good employer guide
  3. To consider a complaint/report from a resident regarding the handling of the meeting held on 11th January 2021.

287.             Christmas tree 2020

  1. To approve payment of the invoice received for the Christmas tree from Yuletide Decorations in the sum of £2,145 (ex VAT). This item was deferred from the Events Committee Meeting held 19th January 2021.
  2. To discuss the procurement of the Xmas Tree for 2020. This item was deferred from the Events Committee Meeting held 19th January 2021.

288.             Painting

  1. To note that, following alterations to Castle Park House, the large painting of Frodsham by the Rev Green, which was gifted by a former resident of Frodsham to Frodsham Town Council, requires relocating.
  2. To agree action to be taken.

289.             Clerks report

To receive a report from the Clerk.


290.             To exclude members of the press and public

If required

291.             Date of next meeting

292.             Close of meeting
