Annual Meeting Agenda
Meeting 1
1. Annual Meeting Agenda 23-05-2022
1. Annual Meeting Minutes 23-05-2022
1. Election of Chair
- To elect the Chair to serve until the Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2023
- To receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office from the elected Chair
2. Election of Vice Chair
- To elect the Chair to serve until the Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2023
- To receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office from the elected Chair
3. Apologies for Absence
To approve apologies for absence
4. Declarations of interest
To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.
5. Schedule of Meetings
To approve the schedule of meetings circulated by the Clerk.
5. Schedule of meetings 2022-2023
6. Appointment to Committees
- To appoint chair, vice chair and members to the Amenities Committee (8 members)
- To appoint chair, vice chair and members to the Events Committee (8)
- To appoint chair, vice chair and members to the Planning Committee (8)
- To appoint chair, vice chair and members to the Policy, Process and Revenue Committee (8)
- To appoint members to the Staffing Committee
7. Appointment of Representatives & Delegates to External Organisations
- Red Lion Bowling Club
- Protos (Ince Marshes Air Quality Forum)
- Castle Park Trust
- Liverpool Airport Consultative Committee
- Cheshire Association of Local Councils
- North Cheshire Rail Users Group
- Wind Farm Community Liaison Committee
- Frodsham Youth Association
- Weaver Navigation Society
- Weaver & Sandstone Cycle Forum
- PCC Parish & Town Council Meetings
- Brio Future Offer
8. Tarvin Road Cemetery
To consider moving the responsibility for the cemetery from PP&R Committee to Amenities Committee in line with budgeting arrangements and grounds maintenance SLA.
9. Chair Report 2021-2022
To receive a report from Cllr Hayes together with reflections for the future.
10. PCSO report
To receive a report from PCSO Neil Flanagan.
11. Cheshire West and Chester Council
To receive a report from Cllr Lynn Riley.
12. Approval of minutes
To approve and sign the minutes of the ordinary meeting held 28th March 2022.
13. Accounts report April 2022
- To note the receipts for April were £186,268.56 (including £175,000 precept) and expenditure was £37,050.60
- To note the account balances and bank reconciliations
- To approve and sign the finance report
14. Year end internal audit 2021-2022
- To note that the year end internal audit was completed on 13th April 2022 by JDH Business Services
- To note that no issues have been identified in the internal audit report
- To note that JDH Business Services has signed the annual internal audit report
15. Annual return (AGAR)
- To approve and sign Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 2021/2022
- To approve and sign Section 2 Accounting Statement 2021/2022 which has been signed by the Clerk
16. Junior Mayors 2022-2023
To consider reappointing Junior Mayors
17. Co-option
- To note that there is one application for the vacancy within the Lakes Ward. The applicant meets the application criteria.
- To consider co-option to the Lakes Ward.
18. Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
To receive an update from Cllr Wade.
19. Memorial path
To receive an update from the Clerk.
20. Ship Street play area
To receive an update from the Clerk.
21. Close of meeting