Agenda – Meeting 11 (2023/24)
Due to technical issues there is no audio recording of this meeting.
1. Apologies for Absence
To receive apologies and consider acceptance
2. Declarations of Interest
To note any declarations of interest
3. Minutes of the Meeting held on 11 March 2024
To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.
4. Opportunity for Public to Speak
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings.
5. Planning Applications
5.1 To consider the applications listed below.
Reference | Address | Description |
24/00460/FUL | 10 Hillfield, Frodsham | Single storey front extension and partial render to first floor |
24/00466/FUL | The Cottage, The Holt, Tarvin Road, Frodsham | Single storey extension, new window and door openings and replace timber fence with brick wall of the same height to north elevation |
22/03525/FUL | Meadow Court, Clifton Crescent, Frodsham | Erection of 16 dwellings (100% affordable) with associated infrastructure, car parking and landscaping [1] |
24/00600/FUL | 11 Church Street, Frodsham | New shop front and glazing with increased height and internal works associated with change of use from retail to Bistro/cafe |
24/00196/FUL | Hover Force Ltd Grassy Lane Frodsham | Construction of new building associated with outdoor target activities and siting of two weather shelters/viewing areas |
24/00612/FUL | Belmont House, Vicarage Lane, Frodsham | Rebuilding of the retaining wall of heights between 1.3m and 1.5m to front boundary |
23/02546/FUL | 22 Church Street, Frodsham | Erection of brick wall with lightweight translucent polycarbonate roof profile to provide ancillary seating area (additional seating area will be restricted to 9pm) |
24/00679/FUL | Heathdale Cottage, Kingsley Road, Frodsham | Operational development comprising grass and reinforced grid on agricultural land, to be used as a turning area in connection with an existing residential dwelling (part retrospective) |
24/00559/FUL | 28 Wayford Close, Frodsham | Single storey front porch extension and single storey rear extension |
6. Date of next meeting
Monday 13 May 2024 at 6.30pm
[1] FTC previously objected to the application