Planning Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 4 (209/20

Planning Committee Agenda 19.08.19 (4)

Planning Committee Minutes 18.08.19 (4)


No Item
28 Apologies for absence

To receive apologies and consider acceptance.

29 Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest.

30 Minutes of the Meeting held on 27 July 2019

To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.

Planning Committee Minutes 22.07.19 (3)

31 Opportunity for Public to Speak
32 Planning Applications
32.1 To consider the applications listed below.
Reference Address Description
19/01931/FUL 4 Earlam Court, Frodsham Single storey rear and side extension
19/02618/LBC Frodsham Railway Station, Church Street, Frodsham Installation of 5no Sheffield cycle stands and 1 freestanding cycle shelter
19/02917/CAT 21 Howey Lane, Frodsham Birch 1 – remove. Birch 2 & 3 – remove. Yew – pollard, a tree has been removed from the middle of this Yew and left a hole in the middle of the canopy, it is proposed to give it a formative shape for it to flourish into.
19/02774/FUL Land Adjacent 128 Bridge Lane, Frodsham Change of use of land to tyre repair / fitting, installation of a timber shed, seven metal storage containers and hardstanding, along with boundary fencing and security gates – retrospective
19/02538/FUL Land Adjacent 25 Howey Lane, Frodsham Proposed new two storey dwelling house
18/04902/FUL 10 Overton Drive, Frodsham Two storey side extension

This application was considered by FTC Planning Committee in February 2019 and there were no objections. The planners have since received amendments / additional information and referred it back to FTC for further comment.

32.2 To note the decisions taken since 15 July 2019 by the Unitary Council.
Date Reference Address Description Decision
19-Jul-19 19/00086/FUL Hover Force Activity Centre Straight Length, Frodsham Construction of a storage building for machinery and activity equipment Approval
Date Reference Address Description Decision
23-Jul-19 18/04815/FUL APP/A0665/W/19/3224797 Land at Top Road Frodsham Construction of two dwellings (Use Class C3) on land to the west of the Travellers Rest Public House, together with associated car parking, landscaping and other ancillary work Appeal dismissed
31-Jul-19 19/01140/FUL 23 Princeway, Frodsham Two storey side and rear extension Approval
31-Jul-19 19/02074/FUL Fernlea, Hatley Lane, Frodsham Rear extension, raising of roof to provide first floor including two front dormers and detached garage Approval
33 Licensing Act and Gambling Act Applications

To consider whether to make any objections to the application(s) listed below.


Applicant & application number Premises and Address Permitted activities and opening hours of the premises Reason for application Consultation end date
Ryan Edghill 545289 Event area, Castle Park, Fountain Lane, Frodsham, WA6 6SA Supply of alcohol on the premises.

13:30 to 22:30

Performance of dance.

13:30 to 18:00

Performance of live music.

13:30 to 22:00

Open0ing hours

13:30 to 22:30

Application for the grant of a time limited premises licence 20/06/2020 19-Aug-19
Fingers Crossed Limited 545189 Frodsham Golf Club, Simons Lane, Frodsham, WA6 6HE Supply of alcohol on and off the premises.

Monday to Saturday
10:00 to 23:00
Sunday 10:00 to 22:30

Performance of recorded music

Monday to Saturday
08:00 to 23:00
Sunday 08:00 to 22:30

Late Night Refreshment

Monday to Saturday
23:00 to 23:30

From the end of permitted hours on New Year’s Day to the start of permitted hours on the following day.

Opening hours

Monday to Saturday
05:00 to 23:30
Sunday 05:00 to 23:00
From the end of permitted hours on New Year’s Day to the start of permitted hours on the following day.

Application for the grant of a premises licence. 22-Aug-19
34 Clerk’s Items – to note any information items.
35 Date of next meeting

Monday 23 September 2019 at 6.00pm at Castle Park.
