Planning Committee

Event Details

Meeting 7 (2022/23)

7. Planning Agenda 09 01 23

7. Planning Minutes 09 01 23

41.    Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies and consider acceptance.

42.    Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest

43.    Minutes of the Meeting held on 12 December 2022

To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.

6. Planning Minutes 12 12 22

44.    Opportunity for Public to Speak

45.    Planning Applications

45.1     To consider the applications listed below.

Reference Address Description
22/04369/FUL 4 Newlands Close, Frodsham Single storey rear extension. Loft conversion with dormer
22/04153/FUL Lady Heyes Camping and Caravan Site, Kingsley Road, Kingsley, Frodsham Replacement of 16 touring pitches with 12 static pitches for holiday accommodation
22/04370/PMA Foxhill Stables, Tarvin Road, Frodsham Conversion of existing equestrian recreational sports building, admin/office space, storage of equestrian sport goods, associated sport equipment storage, and equestrian sports stables Class D2 (e) MA into C3 one residential dwelling
22/04406/PMA Foxhill Stables, Tarvin Road, Frodsham
Conversion of existing equestrian recreational sports building, storage of equestrian sport goods, associated sport equipment storage, and equestrian sports stables Class D2 (e) MA into C3 residential dwelling house to current building controls and building regulation standards for residential. Submitting a Building Regulations Application, submit a Building notice or a Full Plans. Building Control application for building control of the works where required. Compliance with all Building Regulations for conversion of the building from Equestrian Sport to C3 Residential use. Electrical outlets such as sockets, lighting, wiring etc. Telephone/broadband cabling to provide internet access, plumbing and running water, drainage and waste, masonry, woodwork, plastering, painting, decorating, and ensuring natural light in all rooms, conversion works that meet minimum liveable space expectations. Heating, ventilating and insulation, insulating concrete floors to create thermal comfort, insulating walls, floors and ceilings and creating / enhancing internal wall partitions, roof repairs and enhancements, external repairs, maintaining external elements to the existing building and maintaining the existing appearance of stables buildings. Conversion plans will be assessed by talented planning professionals such as architect and/or structural engineer where required. Submitting a Building Regulations Application where required. Submit a Building notice or a Full Plans Building Control application for building control of the works where required.
22/04556/PMA The Cowshed, Former Frodsham Golf Club, Simons Lane, Frodsham Application to determine prior approval for a proposed change of use to residential use
22/04581/CAT Heathdale Cottage, Kingsley Road, Frodsham Remove all over hanging internal limbs from boundary sycamore trees, remove lone self-seeded ash from west end of paddock, remove lone birch from hedge line and remove lone cherry from hedge line
22/04653/CAT Land Rear of (South Of) Royleen Drive, Frodsham Existing trees to be pruned/tidied along Kingsley Road. 1x Ash Tree – remove. 1x silver birch tree – remove. 1x cherry tree -remove.
22/04654/HED Land Rear of (South Of) Royleen Drive, Frodsham Removal of existing hedge (8.3m) to facilitate entry/exist to and from new limestone hard standing. A proposed new hedgerow (27.5m) be planted to three sides of new hard standing
22/04402/FUL 73 Bellemonte Road, Frodsham Two storey and single storey rear extension


46.    Date of next meeting

Monday 13 February 2023 at 6.30pm.