Policy, Process and Revenue Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 1 (2022/23)

1. PPR Agenda 27-06-2022

1. PPR Minutes 27-06-2022

1.    To confirm appointment of Chair and Vice Chair

2.    Apologies for absence

To receive apologies and consider acceptance.

3.    Declarations of interest

To note any declarations of interest

4.    Requests from the public to speak

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda.

5.    Actions from the previous meeting

To note actions taken since the previous meeting held 25th April 2022


69 Cemetery resident gated access The decision to allow access was reviewed by Full Council on 23rd May 2022 and it was agreed to fence the gap with hawthorn hedging. Residents informed 21/06/2022
71f Over 70s Agreed to pay £160 to The Queens Head in respect of 16 late vouchers Awaiting bank account details
76 Police & Crime Commissioner Town and Parish Meeting Cllr McKeown agreed to attend the meeting on 24th May at Police HQ in Winsford  Agenda item for 27/06/2022 to report


6.    Minutes of the meeting held on 25th April 2022

To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.

6. PPR Minutes 25-04-2022

7.    Finance

  1. To note 39 payments in May totalling £16,431.74
  2. To note 2 receipts in May totalling £1,216.00
  3. To note that after all considerations, total cash balances as at 31st May 2022 were £548,189.65
  4. To note the finance report May 2022. This includes details of all expenditure and receipt items, bank statements, bank reconciliations, breakdown of expenditure and receipts by budget item, management reports.
  5. To approve and sign the report.

7. Accounts report pack

8.    External audit 2021-2022

To note the dates set for the period to exercise Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Returns is Monday 13 June– Friday 22 July 2022.

9.    Terms of Reference 2022-2023

To approve the Terms of Reference for PP&R Committee.

9. ToR 2022-2023

10.Operation London Bridge

To approve delegated authority to the Clerk to make all necessary arrangements.

11.Grant funding

To approve delegated authority to the Clerk to make applications for grant funding.

12.Police & Crime Commissioner Town and Parish Meeting (24th May 2022)

To receive a report from Cllr McKeown.

13.Staffing sub-committee

To agree a date for Meeting 1 (members: Cllr Hayes, Cllr Anstice and Cllr Griffiths with Cllr Stockton as reserve).

14.Summer reading challenge

To consider supporting Cheshire libraries in this annual event for children (£100).

15.Clerk’s report

To receive any further report from the Clerk.

16.Date of next meeting – 22nd August 2022

17.Close of meeting