The Marshes Community Benefit Fund (MCBF) Panel has announced the nine local projects to benefit from £45,000 of grants made by Frodsham Windfarm Limited.
The second funding round this year attracted 16 applications totalling just over £200,000 competing for the second tranche of funding available (£60,000). The independent panel of local residents agreed to award just over £45,000 to nine projects which in the views of the panel were in accordance with the requirements of the Community Benefit Fund constitution.
The successful applicants are:
- Overton Memorial Hall for and upgrade to the toilet block and lighting £977
- Frodsham Literature Festival towards publication of the festival booklet £2,600
- Helsby Rugby Union Football Club for connection to mains electricity £1,800
- 4th Frodsham Scouts for a new minibus £10,000
- Frodsham Youth Association for building improvements £9,717
- Alvanley PCC for wall repairs £500
- 3rd Frodsham Sea Scouts for camping equipment £1,882
- Frodsham Community Centre for a dance and wellbeing room £11,000
- Kingsley and Newton Village Institute for upgrade of the car park £7,500
Dianne Walker (Panel Chairman) explained that Panel members are looking forward to seeing the successful projects being developed, to benefit the residents in the areas surrounding the Marshes Wind Farm.
The remainder of the money available in this round but not allocated to projects will be carried forward to the next round.
For details of the Fund and information on the application process you can visit the website
Applications for the next round of funds will close at the end of February 2018. The eligible schemes that were unsuccessful in this round can reapply for future rounds.