Agenda – Meeting 7 (2021/22)
Amenities Committee 7 draft minutes 07-03-22
87.Apologies for absence
To receive apologies.
88.Declarations of interest
To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.
89.Requests from the public to speak
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:
90.Approval of minutes
To approve the minutes of the meeting held 17th January 2022
90. Amenities Committee minutes January 17
91.Actions from the meeting held 17th January 2022
- To note actions taken below:
- To agree any further actions to be taken
Ref | Subject | Outcome | Actions | |
77b | Memorial path | It was agreed to approve the design and timescale. | ||
77c | Memorial path | It was unanimously agreed to recommend to full council that the additional area around the monument is included in the scheme and noted that grant funding could be secured to cover the shortfall in budget. Est costs £40,000. | JO | |
78b | Manley Road Copse | It was unanimously resolved, following representation from Frodsham WI, to remove the 6 strims from the SLA (£75/year), continue with the monthly inspection reports as landowner (£150/year) and the annual road side hedge cutting to include top, both sides and clear the footpath (£100/year). This represents a cost saving of £75/year. Clerk to discuss with contractor. | JO | Agreed with NTC 18/02/2022 |
79a | Play area repairs | It was resolved to approve (3:1) the quotations and works were approved as per minutes. | JO | Works instructed 18/02/2022. Not possible to repair Ranger Tri Table and quote received for replacement to be considered 7/03/2022 |
81 | Marshland | It was agreed to ask the Woodland Trust for their advice. | JO | Awaiting response, TC to follow up |
82 | Tree lights | It was agreed to obtain 3 quotes to replace the existing lighting | JO | To be actioned |
92.To suspend Standing Orders for discussion and consideration of the following item as presented by Cycle North Cheshire
93.Cycle North Cheshire
- To receive a report
- To agree action to be taken
94.To reinstate Standing Orders
To receive an update
96.Memorial path
- To note that works are progressing with the path and documents are being prepared for tender. It is recommended by HDD that 3 companies are approached to include AJK Ltd who undertook the extension to the cemetery. Clerk to identify owners of benches where possible to advise as to the works to be carried out.
- To agree action to be taken to include putting the contract out to tender
97.Play areas
- To note the quote received for works at Churchfields (works approved 17th January 2022) in the sum of £1,704.20 to supply and install Ranger Tri Table to replace damaged one and secure 1 x goal post.
- To note the recent play area inspection reports (circulated)
- To agree action to be taken
- To consider a request from both Cllr Sumner and Ashton to undergo RoSPA training at an estimated cost of £300 plus £105 examination fee plus VAT per person for basic 1-day Routine Inspection Training and £550 plus examination fee of £210 plus VAT per person for 2-day Operational Inspection Training.
- To note the report provided by Cllr Sumner, following the meeting with Northwich Town Council, and agree action to be taken.
97b. Play area reports NTC-SLA
97e. Play area report – Cllr Sumner
98.Ship Street play area
- To note the update from the Clerk below:
- To note the meeting which took place with RSK on Thursday 3rd March (Cllr Hayes)
- To agree action to be taken
Date | Actions | Notes |
13/07/2021 | Amenities Committee recommend returned to former play area | |
20/09/2021 | Quote accepted from Warbreck to refurbish railings £16,787 | |
15/11/2021 | Quote accepted from RSK to manage project £21,000. 2 quotes received. | |
29/11/2021 | Noted that Green Gates Community Project have received £39,455 from Marches Community Benefit Fund to provide an inclusive swing, a slide and inclusive roundabout. | |
29/11/2021 | Outline budget of £150,000 approved by FTC | |
26/01/2022 | Initial meeting with RSK attended by BW, HH, LS and JO (Zoom). RSK ased to revise initial design to include traditional play equipment | |
01/02/2022 | RSK meeting with Green Gates Community Project attended by BW, LS, HH. | |
02/02/2022 | Quote for topographical survey received and accepted from Powers Tiltman in the sum of £525. RSK quote £880. BW approved quote and survey instructed. | Instructed 2/02/2022 |
02/02/2022 | Agreed to hold consultation with the school (RSK and Green Gates Community Project), dates to be confirmed. Approved purchase of aerial image £12.50. | RSK requested consultancy fee of £500 to attend 1 hour meeting. FTC & Greengates Community Project decided not to go ahead with the consultation |
02/02/2022 | Painting began on the railings | Update requested 25/02/2021 |
15/02/2022 | Topographical survey received and sent to RSK, invoice received | |
18/02/2022 | Background paper provided to RSK. Contaminated land report requested from CWAC. RSK quote £800 for ecology survey. | |
21/02/2022 | Quote for ecology survey requested from Marshes Ecology (rec from HDD) | Marshes Ecology requested further info which was suppplied 21/02 |
21/02/2022 | Quote for ecology survey requested from Atmos Consulting (rec from HDD) | |
22/02/2022 | Quote received from Marshes Ecology, £363.00 plus travel exp £32.40. Quote sent to Phil and Bernie asking for approval to go ahead and instruct. Authorisation received, works instructed. Survey to be carried out 23rd or 24th February. | PO: ShipStreet003 |
28/02/2022 | Ecology report received and sent to RSK | |
28/02/2022 | Contaminated land statement received from CWAC and sent to RSK | |
03/03/2022 | Meeting arranged with RSK to be attended by HH, JO & RSK |
99.Hob Hey Wood
- To note the report provided by Hob Hey Wood Friends
- To note that a large turkey oak in Hob Hey Wood is rotting and requires felling together with a silver birch that has partially toppled and also needs to be felled.
- To consider the quotation provided.