Amenities Committee

Event Details

Meeting 5 (2022/23)

5. Amenities Committee Agenda 14-11-2022

5. Amenities Committee Minutes 14-11-2022

19. Apologies and Reasons for Absence

To receive apologies and note reasons for absence from members.

20. Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.

21. Public Participations

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:

22. Approval of Minutes

To approve and sign the Minutes of the Amenities Committee held on 10th October 2022 (attached).

4. Amenities Committee Draft Minutes 10-10-2022

23. Play Areas

  1. To receive an update on the new swingers at Churchfields Play Area.
  2. To receive an update on the ROSPA reports and approved works.
  3. To approve replacement works to the whole section of the timber guard rail (updated quotation)

24. Frodsham Memorial Hill Project

  1. To receive an update on the Memorial Hill Project.
  2. To receive an update from HDD of the latest position and approve the overrun to the originally estimated contract length of two days at £1,100 ex VAT (attached).
  3. To receive an update from Horticon (to follow).

25. Ship Street Play Area

  1. To receive a project update (to follow).
  2. To approve the overspend due to project overrun.

Stephenson Halliday initially quoted for 6 site visits during construction period, assuming the construction period would be two months. However, the construction programme is now 13 weeks. Stephenson Halliday has completed six site visits (with site notes) and has proposed that another three site visits are undertaken throughout November until practical completion. There is a cost of £730 including site notes and expenses (copy attached).

26. Town Clock

  1. To receive an update on the repair and maintenance visit, which was unable to be upheld last month due to staff illness at the clockmakers. Officers asked for assurance that this work would be undertaken prior to the town’s Christmas Lights Switch On Event.
  2. To note that the new date for a repair visit is 22nd November 2022.

27. Christmas Lighting

  1. To receive an update on lighting 3 x trees in Church Street following receipt of new information.
  2. To consider the updated quotations received for branch wrapping of trees and supply of lights and decide the next steps, making a recommendation to Full Council, if necessary.

27. a) Frodsham Town Council tree lighting quotation 28th Oct. 2022

28. Anchor Bolt Testing

To receive the Anchor Bolt Testing Report and note the recommendations (attached).

28. Anchor point testing Frodsham

29. Allotments & Green Spaces

To receive correspondence from Cheshire West and Chester regarding potential S106 funding and
agree the next steps (attached).

30. Cycle North Cheshire

  1. To note proposal documentation and minutes from 26th October 2022
  2. To receive a short presentation from CNC / FTC Active Travel Working Group
  3. To consider the recommended budget proposal for 2023-24

30. CNC FTC Presentation

30. CNC Minutes 26.10.22

30. CNC Proposal to Frodsham Town Council

31. Climate Action Group

  1. To note latest minutes and documentation from the working group
  2. To note identified future sub projects as:

• Moss filtration to reduce pollution hotspots
• Marl Pits & Marshlands: Biodiversity, carbon sink and nature trail
• Community orchards
• Tree planting on community field
• Refill scheme
• A printed newsletter

     c. To consider the budget for 2023-24 in relation to a climate emergency development fund

31. Action-plan-frodsham-0118

31. CityTree

31. CWEG Minutes General Meeting 26.10.22

32. Planting Schemes Summer 2023

To note that there will be an increase of at least 10% on plants from summer 2023 onwards, which the contractor must pass on from the nursery.

33. Clerk’s report

To receive any additional report and consider any actions to be taken.

Date of next meeting – 12th December 2022

Close of meeting