Amenities Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 4 (2021/22)

Amenities Committee Agenda 18 10 21

4. Amenities Minutes October 18 10 21

47.Appointment of Chair

To appoint a Chair for the meeting.

48.Apologies for absence

To receive apologies.

49.Declarations of interest

To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.

50.Requests from the public to speak

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:

51.Approval of minutes

To approve the minutes of the meeting held 20th September 2021.

51. Amenities Committee Draft Minutes 20 09 21

52.Actions from the meeting held 20th September 2021

To note actions taken as follows:

Ref Subject Resolved Update
38 Minutes Minutes approved
40d Ship Street play area Quote accepted for railings, TC to instruct JO Works instructed, awaiting start date
42a Benches Clerk to apply for licences from CWAC JO To progress
42b Delegated authority TC given delegated authority to purchase benches and instruct installation once licences approved JO To progress
45b Outstanding invoice Invoice to be paid once discount applied JO Payment made

53.Committee expenditure to date

To note expenditure under budget items.

53. Expenditure

54.Ship Street play area

  1. To receive a report from Cllr Hayes
  2. To note that the works to the railings has been instructed
  3. To note a request from a resident to name the play area in honour of Elaine McIver who died in the Manchester Arena bombing and consider any action to be taken

55. Churchfields play area

To receive an update following the recent vandalism.

56.Annual RoSPA play area inspections

To note that the annual inspections were carried out in June 2021 and circulated to all councillors on 8th July 2021.  To further note that discussion on play area maintenance took place at the Amenities Committee Meeting held on 13th July 2021 and works were subsequently approved by Cllr Hayes and Cllr Ashton under delegated authority to the Clerk.

56. Churchfields 5 7 2021-1409108-ANL-Frodsham+Town+Council

56. Park+Lane-5 7 2021-1409107-ANL-Frodsham+Town+Council

56. Top+Road 5 7 2021-1409105-ANL-Frodsham+Town+Council

56. Townfield+Lane 5 7 2021-1409106-ANL-Frodsham+Town+Council

57.Grounds maintenance SLA

To receive a report from Cllr Hayes

58.To receive a report from the Clerk

59.Exclusion from press and public

To consider exclusion of press and public due to the commercially sensitive nature of item 56

60.Memorial path

  1. To note that 3 quotes have been received for project managing the installation of a memorial path and to approve the appointment of project manager.
  2. To approve the appointment of a project manager.

61.Close of meeting