Frodsham Town Council

Event Details

Meeting 7 (2022/23)

7. FTCMeeting Agenda 27-03-2023

7. FTC Meeting Minutes 27-03-2023

106.            Apologies for absence

To receive apologies and reasons for absence.

107.            Declarations of interest

To note any declarations of interest for items which are on the agenda.

108.            Approval of minutes

To approve and sign the minutes of the Full Town Council Meeting held on 23rd January 2023.

6. FTC Meeting Minutes 23-01-2023

109.            Requests from members of the public to speak

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:

110.            Allotments

To consider a request from an allotment holder to continue as tenant following house move.

111.            Policing report

To receive a written report from PCSO Neil Flanagan.

PCSO Report 27-03-2023

112.            Cheshire West and Chester Council Councillors

To receive a report from councillors.

113.            Accounts

  1. To approve and sign the Month 11 accounts.
  2. To appoint a councillor, other than the Chairman, to check bank statements against bank reconciliation reports (Frodsham Financial Standing Order 2.2)

113. Income and expenditure M11

113. Payments and receipts

114.            Assets register

  1. To note that the clerk has conducted a full assets check and risk assessment on all assets.
  2. To note that the clerk has carried out a review of the insurance schedule
  3. To approve the assets register

114(c) Assets register 2022-2023

115.            Training

  1. To note that the Clerk has attended the following training: Internal Controls (ChALC); Bid Writing (NFP Workshops); Managing Cyber Security (York University); Election Briefing (CWAC); A Guide to the Appraisal Process (SLCC); International Women’s Day (SLCC); Procurement (ChALC).
  2. To note councillor training to date.

116.            Civility and respect

  1. To pass a resolution to sign up to the civility and respect pledge.
  2. To approve the dignity at work policy.

116(a) CR pledge

117.            Standing orders

  1. To approve revised model standing orders
  2. To resolve that all councillors will use the email address as provided together with additional security (Outlook) provided on individual devices.

117(b) Standing Orders 2023

118.            Delegated authority

  1. To give the clerk delegated authority to spend up to £2,000 on plaques for the newly planted oak trees on the war memorial site.
  2. To give the clerk delegated authority to spend up to £1,000 to erect 4 Fields in Trust plaques.
  3. To give the clerk delegated authority to spend up to £1,500 for signage on Ship Street play area.

119.            Frodsham Christmas Festival

To consider funding the road closure which is essential for the Christmas Festival to take place.  Approximate cost £2,000.

120.            Helsby Parish Council

To note collaborative working with Helsby Parish Council.

120. Frodsham Town Council report Jan 23

121.            Lease arrangements

To agree division of split legal fees for providing separate leases for both Frodsham Community Association and Frodsham Youth Association.

122.            Meeting dates

  1. To note that the Annual Town Meeting will take place on Monday 22nd May at 6.30pm.
  2. To note that the Annual Town Council Meeting will take place on Monday 22nd May at 7pm.

123.            Exclusion of press and public

To resolve to exclude members of the press and public due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed (Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960,s.1(2))

124.            Frodsham Market Charter

To note meetings held in respect of the Market Charter.

125.            Close of Meeting

126.            Signed:                                                   Date:  22/03/2023