Frodsham Town Council

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 10 (2018/19)

Frodsham Town Council Agenda 28.01.19 (10)

Frodsham Town Council Minutes 28.01.19 (10)


No Item
126 Apologies
127 Declarations of Interest
128 Minutes of Meeting 5 – 26 November 2018

To approve and sign as a true record.

128. FTC Minutes 26.11.18 (6)

129 Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting No 6 – 5 December 2018

To approve and sign as a true record.

129. FTC EM Minutes 5.12.18 (7)

130 Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting No 8 – 20 December 2018

To approve and sign as a true record.

130. FTC EM Minutes 20.12.18 (8)

131 Minutes of the Budget Setting Meeting No 9 – 14 January 2019

To approve and sign as a true record.

131. FTC Budget Meeting Minutes 14.01.19 (9)

132 Right for the public to speak
132.1 PCSO
132.2 Report from members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee
132.3 Other
133 Precept for 2019/20

To set a precept of £269,066 as agreed at the Budget Setting Meeting.

134 Finance Management:  01.11.18 – 31.12.18 – To note the finance report.

134. Finance Report

134.1 Paid Expenditure

To note the total expenditure in in November & December 2018 was £37,715.48 (£28,361.42 & £9,354.06).

134.2 Received Income

To note the total receipts in in November & December 2018 was £ 16,091.39 (£9.521.33 & £6,570.06).

134.3 Bank Reconciliation

To note that, after all considerations total cash balances at the end of December 2018 were £338,639.93.

135 Committee Minutes
135.1 Cemetery Committee – 7.12.18

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken and the following recommendation:

135.1 Cemetery Minutes 7.12.18

R1. to commission the Designer to provide professional oversight of the installation of the new road layout @ £12,269 + VAT.

135.2 Community Committee – 11.12.18

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken and the following recommendations:

135.2 Community Minutes 11.12.18

R1 To agree to fund the purchase of water storage equipment for London Road Allotments at a cost of £768 + delivery and VAT.

R2 To agree to accept the lowest quote to reduce the height of the hedge between the playing fields and the allotments at Churchfields at an initial cost of £100 + VAT and the £70 + VAT per visit.

R3 To agree to accept the lowest quote to cut the hedge at London Road allotments at a cost of £250 + VAT.

R4 To agree to accept the lowest quote to install new safety flooring in the old play area at Churchfields of £1,650 + VAT.

R5 To agree to accept the quotation of £390 + VAT to paint two benches on the Memorial Field

135.3 Planning Committee

To note the minutes of the meetings held on 26/11/18, 11/12/18, 8/01/19 & 21/01/19 and the decisions taken.

135.3 Planning Minutes 26.11.18 (13)

135.3 Planning Minutes 11.12.18 (14)

135.3 Planning Minutes 08.01.19 (15)

135.3 Planning Minutes 21.01.19 (16)

136 Working Group Records
136.1 Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

To note minutes of the Steering Group meetings held on 27/11/18 & 7/1/19.

136.1 NP Steering Group Meeting 27.11.18

136.1 NP Steering Group Meeting 07.01.19

136.2 Festival of Walks Working Group

To note the notes of the Working Group meetings held on 15/11/18, 29/11/18, 13/12/19 & 10/01/19.

136.2 FOW19 Notes 15.11.18

136.2 FOW19 Notes 29.11.18

136.2 FOW19 Notes 13.12.18

136.2 FOW19 Notes 10.01.19

136.3 World War 1 Working Group

To note minutes of the Working Group meeting held on 16/1/19.

136.3 190116_WW1Record

137 Commemorative Poppy Display Frame

To agree where to display the WW1 Commemorative Poppies presented to the Council by the Work War 1 Working Group on 26 November 2018.

138 Council Manager Update

To receive an update on applications for the post which close at 5pm on 28 January 2019.

139 Local Plan (Part Two)

To note that modifications to the Cheshire West and Chester Local Plan (Part Two) Land Allocations and Detailed Policies are open for public consultation until Sunday 3 February and agree any actions.

140 Purdah

To note arrangements for the Purdah period and agree actions.

140. Guide to Purdah

141 Annual Town Meeting

To agree date for the meeting.

142 CCTV

To receive an update.

143 Park Lane Play Area

To agree to make a Deed of Dedication with the National Playing Fields Association in perpetuity to prevent the use of the Park Lane play area for any other purpose than as a public playing field and recreation area.

143. Annotated Draft Deed of Dedication Park Lane

144 FCA Lease

To agree any actions required following the meeting with FCA and FYA held on 28 November 2018.

145 Meeting with Sutton Weaver Parish Council

To note that Sutton Weaver PC has asked for a joint meeting with representatives of FTC to discuss concerns regarding traffic congestion in Frodsham and agree action.

146 CWAC

To receive a verbal report from CWAC Councillors.

147 Councillors’ Reports
147.a To receive reports from councillors who have attended meetings of external bodies.
147.b Other items for information.
148 Clerk’s Report – To note any information items.
149 Date of next meeting

25 March 2019
