Planning Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 10 (2017/18)

Planning Committee Agenda 11.12.17 (10)

Planning Committee Minutes 11.12.17 (10)


No Item
52 Apologies for absence

To receive apologies and consider acceptance.

53 Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest.

54 Minutes of the Meetings held on 14 November 2017

To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.

9. Planning Minutes 14.11.17 (9)

55 Opportunity for Public to Speak
56 Planning Applications
56.1 To consider the applications listed below.
56.2 To note the decisions taken since 14 November 2017 by CWaC.
56.3 To note the Planning Inspector’s decision to dismiss the appeal against the decision of CWAC to refuse to grant a certificate of lawful use or development for the use of former agricultural land as a residential garden at Home Farm, The Ridgeway, Frodsham (APP/A0665/X/17/3169145)

56.3 Despatch Cover Letter

56.3 APPEAL DECISION 3169145



56.1 Planning Applications
Reference Address Description
17/04336/FUL Land at Rear of 1 and 1A Bridge Lane, Frodsham Erection of 4 dwellings
17/04991/FUL 8 Hawthorne Road, Frodsham Front and rear first floor dormer extension and single storey rear extension and conversion of garage
17/04964/FUL 1 Eden Cottages Bradley Lane, Frodsham Demolition of existing rear extension and construction of a new single storey rear extension
17/05116/FUL Garuda Hatley Lane, Frodsham Erect new garage



56.2 Planning Decisions Taken by the Unitary Council
Date Notified Reference Address Description Decision
17-Nov-17 17/04102/FUL 15 Fluin Lane, Frodsham Two storey side and rear extension Approval
29-Nov-17 17/03930/FUL Sunday School Bradley Lane, Frodsham Replacement of four single glazed sash windows to with double glazed timber sliding sash windows on the east and west side elevations. Replacement of four modern windows (two on the north front elevation, one on the east elevation, one on the west elevation) with double glazed timber sliding sash windows. Approval
30-Nov-17 17/04540/FUL 9 Doric Avenue, Frodsham Single storey rear and two storey side extension, front porch and widened. Approval
