Agenda – Meeting 5 (2018/19)
Planning Committee Agenda 14.08.18 (5)
Planning Committee Minutes 14.08.18 (5)
No | Item | ||||||
30 | Apologies for absence
To receive apologies and consider acceptance. |
31 | Declarations of Interest
To note any declarations of interest. |
32 | Minutes of the Meeting held on 30 July 2018
To agree and sign the minutes as a true record. |
33 | Opportunity for Public to Speak | ||||||
34 | Complaint from resident
To consider a complaint from a resident and a suggestion that neighbouring residents should be notified of items to be discussed at FTC Planning Committee meetings and invited to attend to express their views. |
35 | Planning Applications | ||||||
35.1 | To consider the applications listed below. | ||||||
Reference | Address | Description | |||||
18/02560/FUL | Erindale Mews Carriage Drive, Frodsham | Part single storey and part two storey extension to front and side
Planning Committee on 30 July had no objections to this application but we have since had notice of a revision to the application. |
18/02652/FUL & 18/02777/LBC | The Coach House Vicarage Lane, Frodsham | Insertion of pedestrian gate in boundary wall and internal alterations | |||||
18/02746/FUL | Dobers Farm, Dobers Lane, Frodsham | Wood stores, demolition and replacement shed, farmyard permanent hard standing, new farm entrance and track | |||||
18/01731/FUL | 123B Main Street, Frodsham | Extension to existing property and conversion to form four apartments – earlier application discussed at FTC Planning Committee on 4 June was withdrawn and has been resubmitted. | |||||
18/02922/CAT | Cave Cottage 40 High Street, Frodsham | The Garden of Cave cottage has become overgrown and over crowded with self-seeded saplings. We intend to remove the larger trees of 1 x Oak, 3 x Robinia, 1 x Alder, 1 x Gletitsia, 3 x Birch and many Maples within the boundary of the property. All of the boundary trees will remain and selected saplings consisting Beech, Oak, Hornbeam, Gletitsia and Maples encouraged to flourish in place of those removed. a new hedge fronting the property onto High Street will be replanted |
18/02975/CAT | Higher Brockton Red Lane, Frodsham | 1 – Cherry – remove – the tree is an ivy clad unsightly mess with no aesthetic qualities. 2 – Lime – remove – the tree is diseased and over a public footpath and highway. |
35.2 | To note the decisions taken since 10 July 2018 by the Unitary Council. | ||||||
Date | Reference | Address | Description | Decision | |||
07-Aug-18 | 18/02253/FUL | Sandstone Cottage Hawthorne Farm Tarvin Road, Frodsham | Conversion of part of outbuilding to one dwelling | Approval | |||
07-Aug-18 | 18/01572/LBC | The Bears Paw Hotel 127 Main Street, Frodsham | Installation of replacement illuminated and non illuminated signs to the exterior of the building | Approval | |||
36 | Revised National Planning Policy Framework
To note that the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government published its revised National Planning Policy Framework on 24 July 2018. |
37 | Date of next meetings
Tuesday 4 September at 6.30pm (prior to Environment Committee meeting) at Castle Park House. |