Planning Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 9 (2018/19)

Planning Committee Agenda 08.10.18 (9)

Planning Committee Minutes 08.10.18 (9)


No Item
60 Apologies for absence

To receive apologies and consider acceptance.

61 Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest.

62 Minutes of the Meeting held on 24 September 2018

To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.

Planning Committee Minutes 24.09.18 (8)

63 Opportunity for Public to Speak
64 Planning Applications
64.1 To consider the applications listed below.
Reference Address Description
18/03445/CAT 80B Main Street, Frodsham To remove Ash and Birch in rear garden to allow more light to the garden and allow remaining trees and shrubs space and light to grow.
18/03630/FUL 23 Ship Street, Frodsham Single storey side and rear extension
18/01239/OUT Cheshire Cheese 29 Main Street, Frodsham Residential redevelopment to create six new build dwellings (C3 use) and the conversion and refurbishment of the Public House (A4 use) to create two dwellings (C3 use) with associated access, parking and amenity space
Ashley House 59 Main Street, Frodsham Remove large Holly Tree, split into 4-5 small trunks, roots and branches are affecting Vets property next door and replace with smaller tree suitable for a small garden.
18/03126/S73 Frodsham Household Waste Site Church Street, Frodsham Variation of condition 4 of planning permission 13/02978/S73 for extension to the current temporary planning permission for a further 3 years for the existing Household Waste and Recycling Centre

NOTE the change from the earlier request for a 5 year extension

64.2 To note the decisions taken since 11 September 2018 by the Unitary Council.
Date Reference Address Description Decision
24-Sep-18 18/02652/FUL & 18/02777/LBC The Coach House Vicarage Lane, Frodsham Insertion of pedestrian gate in boundary wall and internal alterations Approval
24-Sep-18 18/03184/FUL 51 Park Lane, Frodsham Demolition of existing single storey extension and erection of single storey rear extension. Widening existing driveway with permeable surface Approval
25-Sep-18 18/02625/FUL Land Adjacent To Church House Farm Fieldway, Frodsham Erection of new detached dwelling (variation of planning approval 16/01202/FUL) Approval
26-Sep-18 18/03272/FUL 56 Hillfield, Frodsham Demolition of existing porch and construction of new porch Approval
64.3 To note that Application 18/03072/FUL – Council Depot Church Street, Frodsham (demolition of old goods shed in order to increase parking space available at the site) will not be going before Cheshire West & Chester Council’s Planning Committee for the time being to allow time for a business proposal to be developed and considered.
65 Date of next meeting

Monday 22 October at 6.30pm at Castle Park House (before Policy & Process Committee).
