Planning Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 5 (2019/20)

Planning Committee Agenda 23.09.19 (5)

Planning Committee Minutes 23.09.19 (5)

No Item
36 Apologies for absence

To receive apologies and consider acceptance.

37 Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest.

38 Minutes of the Meeting held on 19 August 2019

To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.

Planning Committee Minutes 18.08.19 (4)

39 Opportunity for Public to Speak
40 Planning Applications
40.1 To consider the applications listed below.
Reference Address Description
19/02936/FUL St Lukes, 61 High Street, Frodsham Repair of existing sandstone boundary wall, replacement of existing lean-to and alterations to roof
19/02850/FUL 12 Church Street, Frodsham Change of use of pavement for drinking/dining
19/02566/FUL Land Adjacent Area, 12 Ince Resource Recovery Park, Grinsome Road, Ellesmere Port Erection of a 132KV/33KV/11KV primary substation with associated underground cables and mess buildings
19/03085/FUL 3 Watersedge, Frodsham Single storey rear extension and change of existing extension roof to flat roof with glazed lantern
19/03296/FUL 117 Main Street, Frodsham Change of use of former bank premises to proposed restaurant with ancillary bar (Use Class A3) in basement and ground floor. 2 no. apartments in the upper floors (Use Class C3) including minor external alterations, associated pavement seating to Main Street frontage, car parking to rear, external flue
stack, and signage
19/03340/FUL Firbank Cottage Kingsley Road, Frodsham Erection of Stable / Field Storage for the keeping of Alpacas
19/02273/FUL 9 Brookside Road, Frodsham Proposed rear/side extension to form granny flat
19/03368/S73 Cheshire Cheese 29 Main Street, Frodsham Variation of condition 4 (approved plans) on planning permission 18/01239/OUT
18/04832/DIS Land Adjacent to Church House Farm, Fieldway, Frodsham Approval of details reserved by condition 3 and 5 of 18/02625/FUL – materials and drainage
19/03375/FUL Land at Grid Ref 351940 375337 Manley Road, Frodsham Change of use of land to Equestrian and Agricultural use, replace the dilapidated stables with 3 new stables
19/03387/FUL The Old Police Station, Ship Street, Frodsham Change of use of the former Police Station to Offices
40.2 To note the decisions taken since 15 July 2019 by the Unitary Council.
Date Reference Address Description Decision
14-Aug-19 19/02286/FUL 4 Oakdale Avenue, Frodsham Extension to rear of existing detached garage Approval
22-Aug-19 19/01185/FUL 5 Churchfield Road, Frodsham Single storey side and rear extension Approval
02-Sep-19 18/03072/FUL Council Depot, Church Street, Frodsham Demolition of old goods shed in order to increase parking space available at the site Withdrawn
05-Sep-19 19/02050/FUL 38 Grasmere Road, Frodsham Single storey front and rear extension Approval
06-Sep-19 19/00684/FUL Frodsham Golf Club Simons Lane Frodsham Change of use of existing golf club house (class D2) to children’s day nursery (class D1) including provision of revised car parking arrangements and landscaping Approval
06-Sep-19 19/01536/FUL 57 Fairways, Frodsham Single storey rear extension, detached garage extension and front porch extension Approval
10-Sep-19 19/01931/FUL 4 Earlam Court, Frodsham Single storey rear and side extension Approval
10-Sep-19 19/01619/FUL 37 Fluin Lane, Frodsham Demolition and erection of outbuilding Approval
41 Clerk’s Items – to note any information items.
42 Date of next meeting

Monday 28 October 2019 at 6.00pm at Castle Park.
