Agenda – Meeting 16 (2019/20)
This meeting was held in accordance with Local Authorities and Police & Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Crime Panels Meeting) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020.
Members of the public were invited to join the meeting via Zoom.
Planning Committee Agenda 14.12.20
Planning Committee Draft Minutes 14.12.20
Audio recording
Video recording
113. Apologies for absence
To receive apologies and consider acceptance.
114. Declarations of Interest
To note any declarations of interest.
115. Minutes of the Meeting held on 16 November 2020
To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.
DRAFT Planning Minutes 16.11.20 (15)
116. Opportunity for Public to Speak
117. Planning Applications
117.1 To consider the applications listed below.
Reference | Address | Description |
20/03931/FUL | 8 Clifton Crescent, Frodsham | Single storey side extension with roof alterations to existing annex |
20/03909/LBC | 3 Manor Farm Court, Langdale Way, Frodsham | Rebuild rear boundary wall |
20/04415/CAT | 1 Park Court, Frodsham | 2 x Leylandii (2577 and 2578) – Fell |
20/04244/FUL | 18 Ellis Lane, Frodsham | Two storey rear extension with balcony |
20/04286/FUL | 26 Ennerdale Drive, Frodsham | First floor side extension |
20/04627/TPO | 46 Howey Lane, Frodsham | T1 -To fell multi stemmed Sycamore with severe basal decay for safety, situated on drive entrance adjoining highway. T2-4 Lime – Crown lift to clear highway, severe ivy – remove deadwood. |
117.2 To note the decisions taken by the Unitary Council and listed below. Frodsham Town Council objected to those applications in bold text.
Date | Reference | Address | Description | Decision |
27-Nov-20 | 19/00917/FUL | 1 Meadowside, Frodsham | Part single storey and two storey side extension | Approval |
27-Nov-20 | 19/02538/FUL | Land Adjacent 25 Howey Lane, Frodsham | Proposed new two storey dwelling house | Approval |
27-Nov-20 | 19/04082/FUL | Land Rear of 2 To 4 Red Lane, Frodsham | Erection of two dwellings including new access and associated parking and landscaping (Re-submission of 19/00384/FUL) | Refusal |
27-Nov-20 | 19/04085/FUL | Cheshire Cheese, 29 Main Street, Frodsham | Erection of 6 dwellings and the conversion and refurbishment of the Public House (A4 use) to create 1 dwelling (C3 use) with associated access, parking and amenity space | Approval |
02-Dec-20 | 20/00089/FUL | 31 – 33 High Street, Frodsham | Erection of office building | Approval |
02-Dec-20 | 20/00254/FUL | 10 Maori Drive, Frodsham | Two storey side and rear extension | Approval |
02-Dec-20 | 20/01154/FUL | Rosebank, 51A Howey Lane, Frodsham | Now extension of existing outbuilding for creation of separate dwelling | Approval |
02-Dec-20 | 20/01287/FUL | April House Ground Floor, Chestnut Farm, Tarvin Road, Frodsham | Change of use from office to nursery | Withdrawn |
02-Dec-20 | 20/01295/FUL | Land Adjacent 51 Howey Lane, Frodsham | Erection of one dwelling | Approval |
04-Dec-20 | 20/01364/FUL | 68 Main Street, Frodsham | Change of use to short-let/ holiday accommodation | Approval |
07-Dec-20 | 20/03823/FUL | 55 Hillside Road, Frodsham | Single storey side and rear extension | Approval |
07-Dec-20 | 20/01680/FUL | 16 Netherton Drive, Frodsham | Part single storey and part two storey side extension | Approval |
07-Dec-20 | 20/01697/FUL | 88 Ship Street, Frodsham | Two storey side and rear extension and front porch | Approval |
07-Dec-20 | 20/01693/FUL | Land Behind Number 57 Church Street | Erection of two detached houses and ancillary works – resubmission of 12/02447/FUL | Approval |
07-Dec-20 | 20/01738/FUL | 5 Kingsway, Frodsham | Single storey side and rear extensions | Approval |
09-Dec-20 | 20/01784/FUL | Woodhouses Farm, Tarvin Road Frodsham | Erection of two dwellings | Approval |
09-Dec-20 | 20/01836/FUL | 20 Weaver Road Frodsham | Single storey front and rear extensions. Demolition of rear out-house. Loft conversion. | Approval |
09-Dec-20 | 20/01845/FUL | Land Rear of Helsby Park Homes, Chester Road, Helsby | Continued use of touring caravan and camping site for up to 10 touring caravans including the siting of a portable toilet block within existing building | Refusal |
118. Appeal against Refusal of Planning Permission
To consider whether to make further written representations to the Planning Inspector determining the following appeal against refusal of planning permission by Cheshire West and Chester Council in respect of the following application.
The original application was considered by FTC Planning Committee in January 2020 and the Committee had a number of objections which will considered by the Inspector when determining the appeal.
Appeal Reference | Application Reference | Address | Description |
APP/A0665/ W/20/3256086 |
19/04407/FUL | 42 Bellemonte Road, Frodsham | Demolition of one dwelling and erection of 4 dwellings and detached garages |
119. Appeal against Enforcement Notice
To consider whether to make written representations to the Planning Inspector determining the following appeal against enforcement action by Cheshire West and Chester Council in respect of a breach of planning control. The appellant is arguing that planning permission should be granted for this fence.
Reference | Address | Description |
20/00092/ENF | 49 Hayes Crescent, Frodsham | Without planning permission, the erection of a 2 metre high closed boarded timber fence to the front and side of the Land which is adjacent to the highway |
120. Street Name Consultation
To consider whether to make an alternative suggestion to Cheshire West and Chester Council for the name for the new development on the site of the Cheshire Cheese public house to that listed below, which has been proposed by the developer.
The name of a living person may not be used and the permission from the family must be obtained to use the name of a person who is deceased, if it is less than 50 years since the date of death.
Proposed Street Name | Proposer Justification | CWAC Comments |
Cheshire Cheese Court | The street is named after the old pub that was on the site. | No Objection |
121. Dismissal of Planning Appeal at Little India, 98 Main Street Frodsham
To note that the company owning the ‘Little India’ restaurant submitted an appeal to the HM Planning Inspectorate against the refusal of Cheshire West & Chester Council to grant retrospective Advertisement Consent for the display of illuminated advertisements at 98 Main Street Frodsham.
That appeal was dismissed by the Planning Inspectorate on 4 November 2020. To comply with the Inspector’s decision, CWAC’s Planning Enforcement Officer has written to the company requesting the removal of all unauthorised advertisements at that address within three months (ie by 22 February 2021).
122. Date of Next Meeting
Monday 18 January at 6.30pm.