Planning Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 7 (2023/24)

7. Planning Agenda 11 12 23

7. Planning Minutes 11 12 23

1.       Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies and consider acceptance

2.       Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest

3.       Minutes of the Meeting held on 13 November 2023

To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.

6. Planning Minutes 13 11 23

4.       Opportunity for Public to Speak

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings.

5.       Planning Applications

5.1       To consider the applications listed below.

Reference Address Description
23/03470/CAT West View, Vicarage Lane, Frodsham 1x Ash tree – (T1) – request to remove
23/03576/FUL 6 Holly Bank, Church Street, Frodsham Single storey rear extension
23/03567/FUL 58-60 Hillside Road, Frodsham Installation of 18 solar panels to the south facing roof elevation
96 Main Street, Frodsham Change of use from Bank to Wine Bar, with associated internal alterations at ground floor level and external alterations to roof, chimney stack, rainwater goods, windows, doors and rear extract duct
23/03581/LDC Land North of The Lodge, Tarvin Road, Frodsham To establish the existing use of land as residential in excess of 10 years including the siting of 3 caravans


6.       Recent decisions taken by the Unitary Council

6.1       To note recent decisions taken by the Unitary Council.  Frodsham Town Council objected to the applications highlighted in bold.


Date Reference Address Description Decision
23/05/23 23/01648/FUL 2 Lime Avenue, Frodsham Two storey and single storey rear extension, new external doors and windows with areas of render, raised rear patio area Approval
05/07/23 22/04402/FUL 73 Bellemonte Road, Frodsham Two storey and single storey rear extension Approval
10/07/23 23/00695/FUL 5 Arran Drive, Frodsham Proposed construction of two storey rear extension. Proposed alterations to existing rear extension. Proposed alterations to openings Approval
24/08/23 22/03854/FUL Hover Force Ltd, Grassy Lane, Frodsham Construction of new building associated with outdoor target activities and siting of two weather shelters/viewing areas. (part retrospective)




22/04710/FUL Frodsham Medical Practice, 50 High Street, Frodsham Change of use from doctor’s surgery (formerly Use Class D1) to Residential dwelling. Construction of garage, summerhouse and shed. Approval
28/09/23 23/01635/FUL 31 The Willows, Frodsham Proposed single storey front extension and associated alterations Approval
27/10/23 23/00979/FUL 2 – 4 Fountain Lane, Frodsham Amendment: External alterations to existing cottages to create a single 3-bed dwelling house, erection of two storey rear extension, new window /door openings, re-rendering, alterations to front to include creation of car parking bay, new retaining wall and relocating front entrance steps and dropped kerbs to existing pavement (amended description) Approval


23/01807/FUL 22 Thirlmere Close, Frodsham Proposed residential loft conversion including raising the roof height, roof windows and associated internal alterations. Refusal
19/09/23 23/01982/FUL Chestnut Farmhouse, Tarvin Road, Frodsham Change of use of an existing building to holiday let Approval
29/09/23 23/02271/FUL 4 Alexandra Mews, Frodsham Replacement windows and doors to front and rear of property Approval
30/10/23 23/02864/TPO 67 Fluin Lane, Frodsham Re-pollard 3x Lime trees and 3x Sycamore trees to keep in the pollard cycle Approval
10/11/23 23/02862/FUL 45 Park Lane, Frodsham Replacement of existing pebble dash with render to front and side of dwelling Approval
20/11/23 23/02990/TPO 20 Warren Court, Frodsham Copper Beech (Tree 1) front of property – Crown lift and thin (remove low branches) to give 5 metres ground clearance. Reduce (shorten) overhanging side branches and remove dead wood. Copper Beech (Tree 2 and 3) rear of
property – Crown lift and thin (remove low branches) to give 5 metres ground clearance. Reduce (shorten) overhanging side branches and remove dead wood. Silver birch (Tree 4) – Fell
17/11/23 23/00155/FUL Fraser House, 8 Bridge Lane, Frodsham Conversion of existing building to form 7 dwellings with associated external alteration Approval


7.       Date of next meeting

Monday 15 January 2024 at 6.30pm