Policy & Process Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 1 (2018/19)

Policy & Process Committee Agenda 25.06.18 (1)

Policy & Process Committee Minutes 25.06.18 (1)


No Item
1 Appointment of Chair

To elect the Chair to serve until May 2019.

2 Appointment of Deputy Chair

To elect the Deputy Chair to serve until May 2019.

3 Apologies for Absence – To note
4 Declarations of Interest – To note
5 Minutes of Meeting 8 – 24 April

To agree as true and accurate record.

Policy & Process Committee Minutes 24 04 18

6 Requests from the public to speak
7 Staffing Sub-committee

To note the minutes of the meeting held on 19 June, the decisions taken and any recommendations.

Staffing Sub-Committee Minutes 19.06.18 (1)

8 Website

To note the Communications Report.

8. FTC Web Analytics April-May 2018

9 Financial Regulations

To review the Financial Regulations, agreed any changes and recommend them to council.

9. Fin Regs 2018-19

10 Executive Powers

To review the Methodology for the Effective Execution of Executive Powers for Budget Holding Committees, agreed any changes and recommend them to council.

10. Exec_Powers 2018 draft

11 Charges

To review the following charges:

  • Allotments
  • Room Rental (Castle Park)
  • Playing fields/Land Rental
  • Photocopying

Any changes to be recommended to council.

11. Charges

12 Publication Scheme

To review the Publication Scheme, agreed any changes and recommend them to council.

12. Publication_Scheme 2018-19

12. publishing-data-general-g-2b0

13 Complaints Procedure

To review the Complaints Procedure, agreed any changes and recommend them to council.

13. Complaints Policy 2018 draft

14 Freedom of Information & Data Protection

To review how requests made under the Freedom of Information Act, the Data Protection Act and GDPR are handled, agreed any changes and recommend them to council.

14. flowchart_of_request_handling_under_foia (1)

14. FOI Brief

14. FOI Log

14. Freedom of Information Exemptions

15 Press/Media
15.1 To review the Dealing with the Press/Media Policy, agree any changes and recommend them to council.

15.1 Media Policy 2018

15.2 To discuss our commitment to disseminating information to non-IT residents and agree actions.
16 GDPR Privacy Notices & Consent Form
16.1 To approve the General Privacy Notice.

16.1 General Privacy Notice

16.2 To approve the Staff & Councillor Privacy Notice.

16.2 Staff & Councillors Privacy Notice

16.3 To approve the Consent Form.

16.3 Consent Form

17 Arnold-Baker on Local Council Administration

To agree to purchase the new 11th edition of this publication, which is a complete statement of the law relating to parish and community councils, in print and eBook format at a cost of £104 after NALC member discount).

18 Schedule of Meetings
18.1 To reschedule the P&P Committee meeting planned for 27 August 2018, as this is a bank holiday, and to cancel the planned Environment and Events Committee meetings planned for 7 and 14 May 2019 respectively, since these fall after the Town Council elections on 2 May and before the Annual Meeting of the Council on 20 May 2019.
18.2 To consider whether to go ahead with the planned meetings of Cemetery Committee on 29 March 2019 and Community and P&P committees on 9 and 15 April 2019, as these fall within the pre-election period (starting on 26 March 2019) when specific restrictions on communications and some other activities are in place.
19 Grants Panel

To set up the Grants Panel and to agree the timetable for decision making.

20 Regalia

To examine the current regalia and agree actions.

20. Civic Regalia

21 Finance Queries
21.1 To discuss finance queries raised by Cllr Lord F Pennington and agree any actions.

21.1 Finance Queries

21.2 To discuss uncleared cheques and agree actions.

21.2 Uncleared cheques@ 31stMay2018

21.3 To discuss the need to vire between budget heads to cover the addition £2000 given to FYA and agree to make recommendations to council.

21.3 Budget Review

22 WW1 Poppy Cascade Memento

To discuss and agree to accept a framed memento of the Poppy Cascade.

23 Castle Park House Update

To discuss the current situation, any updates and agree any actions.

23.1 To receive a verbal update.
23.2 To discuss the wedding license renewal @ £582+VAT plus advertising costs approximately £500+VAT and agree actions.
24 Town Meeting

To agree the agenda for the Town Meeting to be held on Saturday 7 July and agree any actions.

24. TM Agenda 7.07.18 Draft v2

25 Annual Report

To receive an update on the development of the Annual Report and agree any actions.

26 Clerk’s Items

To note any information items.

27 Date of next meeting

Monday 27 August 2018

28 Frodsham Community Association Lease

To discuss the advice from the solicitor and agree actions.
