Staffing Sub-Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 1 (2018/19)

Staffing Sub-Committee Agenda 19.06.18 (1)

Staffing Sub-Committee Minutes 19.06.18 (1)


No Item
1 Appointment of Chair
2 Appointment of Deputy Chair
3 Apologies for Absence – To note
4 Declarations of Interest – To note
5 Minutes of Meeting 2 – 10 April 2018

To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.

Staffing Sub-Committee Minutes 10 04 18 (2)

6 Discipline Procedure

To review the disciplinary procedure and agree any changes to the procedure for dealing with complaints made against staff members.

Disciplinary Procedure

7 Grievance Procedure

To review the grievance procedure and agree any changes to the procedure for dealing with complaints made by staff members.

Grievance Procedure

8 Workload

To agreed to defer any further action until the Admin Reduction Working Group has completed its review and made recommendations to council.

9 Training Budget
9.1 To discuss the training budget paper and agree to recommend changes to the staff training budget to P&P.

Staff Training Budget Report

9.2 To agree the process for getting approval for undertaking external staff training.
10 Clerk’s Urgent Items

To consider any urgent items received since the agenda was published and agree any actions.

11 Date of next meeting                   
12 Confidential Personnel Issues

If required – to discuss issues confidential to individual members of staff or matters which might impact the staff team.
