Meeting 8 (2022/23)
8. Amenities Committee Agenda 13-02-2023
8. Amenities Committee Minutes 13-02-2023
55. Apologies and Reasons for Absence
To receive apologies and note reasons for absence from members.
56. Declarations of Interest
To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.
57. Public Participations
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:
58. Approval of Minutes
To approve and sign the Minutes of the Amenities Committee held on 9th January 2023 (attached).
58. Amenities Committee Minutes 09-01-2023
59. Amenities Committee Budget
(a) To note the current Month 10 budget for the Amenities Committee (attached)
(a) To note unspent funds within Amenities 170.
(b) To aim to complete any outstanding projects prior to year-end, for which funds remain.
59. Amenities Budget Report Month 10 (07-02-23)
60. Hob Hey Wood
To note the Hob Hey Wood Annual Report 2022 (attached).
61. Ship Street Play Area
(a) To receive an update on the project to include late penalty charges, drainage of water and surveyors
report (to follow).
(b) To note the previously signed off plan regarding location of benches.
62. Accessible Play Equipment
To note that a date has been arranged for a meeting with CWaC officers to progress this item.
63. Marshlands
(a) To receive quotations and information regarding Japanese Knotweed Surveys, noting that £1,550
remains in the budget 170/4815 (to follow).
(b) To agree a way forward.
64. Goods Shed Renovation
To agree a date for an initial meeting with the councillor working group.
65. Castle Park Trust
- To note communication from CWaC from Full Council 23rd January 2023.
- To discuss the next steps and agree future action.
66. Meeting Dates
To note that the meeting scheduled for 8th May will no longer take place due to the additional Bank
Holiday for the King’s Coronation and the 2023 Election Process.