Events Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 2 (2017/18)

Events Committee Agenda 14.11.17

Events Committee Minutes 14.11.17 (2)


No Item
17 Apologies for absence
18 Declarations of Interest
19 Opportunity for Public to Speak

No requests have been received by the Clerk.

20 Minutes of Meeting 1 – 10.10.17

To approve and sign as a true record.

Events Committee Minutes 10.10.17

21 Events Programme – 2017-18

To review the programme for 2017-18 and agree any actions.

Events Action Plan for 2017-18

22 Budget 2017-18

To review the half-year spend and projected year end forecast and agree changes.

23 Remembrance Day

To receive a report on the Remembrance Day ceremonies and agree any actions.

24 Christmas

To note the minutes of the meeting of the Christmas Festival Working Group held on Wednesday 11 October, the decisions taken and agree any actions.

25 New Year’s Eve Fireworks
25.1 To note that the fireworks display will cost £2000+VAT
25.2 To agree to purchase 300 glowsticks @ £91.20+VAT.
26 Festival of Walks

To note the minutes of the meeting of the Working Group held on Thursday 12 October, the decisions taken and agree any actions.

FOW18 Notes 12.10.17

27 Bus Shelter Challenge

To note feedback from the site visit held on 1 November and agree any actions.

Bus shelter challenge meeting notes

28 Events Sponsorship

To agree the rules and applications form.

29 Annual Town meeting

To note the Parish Hall is not available on Monday 26 March and to consider alternative date, time and/or venue for the ATM in 2018.

30 Events Programme – 2018-19

To discuss the programme for 2018-19 and agree any actions.

31 Budget 2018-19

To discuss the level of budget needed to achieve the programme and report this to P&P.

32 Cups & Trophies

To review the current stock of cups and trophies and agree actions.

33 Clerk’s updates

To note information items.

34 Next meeting

Tuesday 12 December
