Events Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 3 (2018/19)

Events Committee Agenda 13.11.18

Events Committee Minutes 13.11.18


No Item
36 Apologies for absence
37 Declarations of Interest
38 Minutes of Meeting 2 – 11.09.18

To approve and sign as a true record.

38. Events Minutes 11.09.18

39 Opportunity for Public to Speak
40 Community Field
40.1 To agree a date for a site visit with the complainant to the community field.
40.2 To discuss a complaint about goldfish being given away by the Funfair on the Community field at the Halloween Event and agree any actions.
40.3 To review the rules relating to the rental of the community field and agree any changes.

40.3 Playing Fields Rental Conditions 2018-19

41 Budget 2019-20
41.1 To note the end of year forecast for 2018-19.

41.1 Year-end predictions 2018-19

41.1 Year-end Breakdown

41.2 To agree the budget requirements for 2019-20.

41.2 2019-20 Budget

42 Frodsham Life

To discuss and agree using Frodsham Life as a means of communicating with residents.

43 Christmas Festival Working Group

To note the minutes of the meeting held on 26 September and 6 November and the decisions made.

43. 260918 CFPG Minutes

44 Remembrance Day Working Group                 
44.1 To note the minutes of the meetings held on 23 October and the decisions made.

44.1 Remembrance Day Working Group minutes 231018

44.2 To receive feedback on the Remembrance Day Services and events.
45 Festival of Walks Working Group
To note the minutes of the meeting held on 18 October and the decisions made.

45. FOW19 Notes18.10.18

46 Halloween Event

To receive feedback from the event.

47 New Year’s Eve Fireworks
47.1 To discuss and agree the arrangements for the Fireworks Display.
47.2 To agree to purchase 300 glowsticks @ £120+delivery+VAT.
48 Promoting Frodsham

To receive feedback from CWAC on the licenses for installing banners on lampposts & agree actions.

49 Events Sponsorship

To discuss any applications and agree actions.

50 Field Rental Applications

To discuss any applications and agree any actions.

51 Clerk’s updates – To note information items.
52 Next meeting – Tuesday 15 January