Frodsham Town Council

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 4 (2019/20)

Frodsham Town Council Agenda 22-07-19 (4)

Frodsham Town Council Minutes 22-07-19 (4)


No Item
51 Apologies
52 Declarations of interest
53 Right for the public to speak
53.1 To receive a report from Weaver Vale Housing Trust in relation to potential redevelopment in Ship Street
53.2 To receive a report from the Royal British Legion
53.3 To receive PCSO report
53.4 To receive report from Cheshire West and Chester Councillors
54 To approve minutes of meeting number 2 held on 20th May 2019

Frodsham Town Council Minutes 20.05.19 (2)

55 To approve minutes of meeting number 3 held on 10th June 2019

Frodsham Town Council Extraordinary Meeting Minutes (3)

56 Co-option
56.1 To note applications for Overton and Five Crosses Ward, Waterside Ward and Castle Park Ward.
56.2 To co-opt to fill the vacant positions
57 Finance
57.1 To approve and sign finance report for May and June 2019

Accounts pack 22-07-19

57.2 To approve and sign bank reconciliations for May and June 2019
58 Power of Competence

To resolve that FTC meets the criteria for eligibility for the General Power of Competence

59 Power to accept gifts – LGA 1972 s139

To formally accept a gift to FTC from Cllr Poulton on behalf of his late mother, Caroline Winifred Poulton

60 Committees

To approve any additional Councillor appointments to current Committees

61 Policy & Process Committee Minutes

To note the minutes of the meeting held 26/06/2019

61. PP Minutes 24 06 19 (1)

61.1 To approve recommendation from P&P that executive powers are not required
61.2 To approve recommendation from P&P that the publication scheme remains unchanged
61.3 To approve recommendation from P&P that the weblink for the Compliments & Complaints section of the website be included in the procedure.
62 Events Committee Minutes

To note minutes of the meeting held 9th July 2019

62. Events Minutes 9-07-19

63 Environment Committee Minutes

To note minutes of the meeting held 10th July 2019

63. Environment Minutes 10-07-19

64 Cemetery Committee Minutes

To note the minutes of the meeting held 5/06/19 and the decisions taken

64. Cemetery Minutes 5-06-19

65 Community Committee Minutes

To note the minutes of the meeting held 11/06/19 and the decisions taken

65. Community Minutes 11-06-2019

66 Planning Committee Minutes

To note minutes of the meetings held 3/06/19 and 24/06/19 and the decisions taken

66. Planning Minutes 03.06.19 (1)

66. Planning Minutes 24.06.19 (2)

67 Working Group Records
67.1 Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

To note minutes of the Steering Group meetings held on 14/05/19, 28/05/19, 24/06/19 and 9/07/19

67.1. NP Steering Group Meeting 14.05.19

67.1. NP Steering Group Meeting 28.05.19

67.1 NP Steering Group Meeting – 24.06.19

67.1. NP Steering Group Meeting – 09.07.19

67.2 World War 1 Working Group

To note the minutes of the meetings held on 17/04/19 and 12/06/19

67.2. 190417_WW1_Record67.2. 190612_WW1_Record

68 Frodsham Youth Association

To approve release of £10,000 agreed budget to FYA

69 Frodsham World War 1 Commemoration Group

To receive an update from the Clerk

70 Frodsham Life

To receive a report from the Clerk and agree any action to be taken

71 Ship Street

To consider any action to be taken

72 Clerk’s Report

To receive any information items and agree any action to be taken

PART B – Exclusion of press and public
73 Operation London Bridge

To receive a report from the Clerk and agree actions to be taken

74 Close of meeting
