Agenda – Meeting 1 (2021-22)
Planning Committee Agenda 21.06.21
Planning Committee Minutes 21.06.21
1. Election of the Chair
To elect the Chair to serve until the Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2022.
2. Election of the Vice Chair
To elect the Vice Chair to serve until the Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2022.
3. Apologies for Absence
To receive apologies and consider acceptance.
4. Declarations of Interest
To note any declarations of interest
5. Minutes of the Meeting held on 17 May 2021
To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.
Planning Committee Draft Minutes 17.05.21
6. Opportunity for Public to Speak
7. Planning Applications
7.1 To consider the applications listed below.
Reference | Address | Description |
20/00053/FUL | Land Rear of Moor Lane, Frodsham | Redevelopment of the site for Class C3 retirement living purposes, comprising of a 69 unit, four storey apartment building to accommodate 120 bed spaces, 57 car parking spaces and landscaped gardens and retention and expansion of public car park to provide 47 parking spaces |
21/01553/FUL | 41 Netherton Drive, Frodsham | Alterations to removal conservatory windows and roof & construction of single storey extension, installation of windows to garage |
21/02015/TPO | 2 Warren Court, Frodsham | Smaller self seeded Maple – remove as interfering with the Rowan, street light and larger Maple |
21/02016/TPO | 62 Howey Lane, Frodsham | 1x Oak (rear garden) – reduce overhanging branches by up to 3m |
21/02190/CAT | 1 Main Street, Frodsham | 3 x Holly (G1) – reduce by 30% and trim to shape. Sycamore (T1) – Fell. Multistem Sycamore growing from old coppice. 2 x Conifers (G2) – reduce by 25%. |
21/02099/TPO | 9 St Hildas Drive, Frodsham | Removal of Beech tree (T1) |
21/01762/FUL | New House, Bradley Lane, Frodsham | Alterations to existing outbuilding to create annex accommodation |
21/01968/FUL | 2 – 4 Church Street, Frodsham | Change of use of ground floor from betting office to either Sui Generis Drinking establishment or Class E. |
21/01866/LBC | Godscroft House, Godscroft Lane, Frodsham | Installation of 2 replacement windows at first floor level |
21/02003/FUL | 10 Grasmere Road, Frodsham | Two storey and single storey rear extension, alterations to windows and doors |
21/00799/FUL | 6 Fountain Lane, Frodsham | Proposed single storey side/rear extension, demolition and rebuilding of garage and widening of access (Amended description) |
7.2 To note a decision taken by the Unitary Council on an item discussed by this Committee in May 2021.
Date | Reference | Address | Description | Decision |
25-May-21 | 21/01457/TEL | Land At Fluin Lane, Frodsham | 18m high ‘slim line’ street pole C/W wrap around cabinet at base and 3 additional equipment cabinets and associated ancillary works | Refused. |
8. Licensing Act and Gambling Act Applications
To consider whether to make any objections to the application listed below.
Applicant & application number | Premises and Address | Permitted activities and opening hours of the premises | Reason for application | Consultation end date |
Mark Rowland
T/A Tributes on the Hill 554135 |
Field One
Land at Grid Ref 351737 374225 Manley Road, Frodsham |
Supply of alcohol
Friday 15:00 to 23:30 Performance of live music Friday 15:00 to 23:00 Performance of recorded music Friday 15:00 to 23:00 Opening hours Friday 15:00 to 23:30 |
Application for the grant of a time limited premises licence from 1 July to 30 September 2021. | 29-Jun-21 |
9. Update on Planning Enforcement Action at Little India, 98 Main Street Frodsham
10. Date of Next Meeting
Monday 19 July at 6.30pm.