Meeting 4 (2022/23)
19. Apologies for Absence
To receive apologies and consider acceptance.
20. Declarations of Interest
To note any declarations of interest
21. Minutes of the Meeting held on 8 August 2022
To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.
22. Opportunity for Public to Speak
23. Planning Applications
23.1 To consider the applications listed below.
Reference | Address | Description |
22/03325/TPO | 15 Orchard Close, Frodsham | Oak (T21) – Crown lift secondary branches which are causing excessive shading on property. Prune lateral branches by up 2m/suitable pruning point to allow more light on to property. Remove epicormic on main stem. |
22/03406/TPO | Hill View, Beech Avenue, Frodsham | Remove 2 x Hollies & Sycamore |
22/03282/FUL | 23 Fluin Lane, Frodsham | New pitched roof to converted garage into home office – In retrospect |
22/03003/FUL | 6 Howey Rise, Frodsham | First floor side extension with rear dormer above garage, single storey front extension to entrance with velux roof window and reinstatement of previously approved rear first floor balcony |
22/02994/LBC | Old Hall Hotel, Main Street | Redevelopment of The Old Hall comprising demolition (in part) of the hotel and ancillary buildings, conversion of the hotel and ancillary buildings into 3 residential units and the construction of 5 new dwellings with associated car parking, gardens and landscaping |
22/02993/FUL | Old Hall Hotel, Main Street, Frodsham | Redevelopment of The Old Hall comprising demolition (in part) of the hotel and ancillary buildings, conversion of the hotel and ancillary buildings into 3 residential units and the construction of 5 new dwellings with associated car parking, gardens and landscaping |
22/03144/FUL | 7 Grasmere Road, Frodsham | Alterations to front to include removal of existing chimney, front and rear dormers first floor front extension to include alterations to roof, alterations to windows and doors, addition of cladding |
22/02292/FUL | Land Off Brook Furlong Frodsham | Change of use of land to use as a residential caravan site for 5 gypsy families, each with two caravans including no more than 5 static caravan/mobile home, with associated hardstanding and erection of 5no. ancillary amenity buildings. |
22/03573/CAT | St Laurence Church, Church Road, Frodsham | Yew x1 – Reduce branches growing towards church to leave a clear gap of approximately 2m. Branches to be reduced to suitable pruning points. |
23.2 To note the decisions taken by the Unitary Council and listed below. Frodsham Town Council recommended all applications.
Date | Reference | Address | Description | Decision |
22-Sep-22 | 21/04721/FUL | 47 Quayside, Frodsham | Two storey side and rear extensions | Approval |
22-Sep-22 | 22/00748/LDC | Chestnut Farmhouse, Tarvin Road, Frodsham | Certificate of lawful existing use to confirm residential use of land and outbuildings | Approval |
22-Sep-22 | 22/00781/FUL | 26 Keswick Drive, Frodsham | Front and rear extensions and new dormer to rear with associated alterations | Approval |
29-Sep-22 | 22/01148/FUL | 21 Thirlmere Close, Frodsham | Single storey rear extension and terrace | Approval |
04-Oct-22 | 22/02883/FUL | The Carriage House, Manley Road, Frodsham | To replace failing sandstone wall and embankment with a gabion retaining wall and replace existing open-mesh fencing with timber fence of the same height. | Approval |
24. Licensing Act and Gambling Act Applications
24.1 To consider whether to make any objections to the application listed below.
Applicant and Application Number | Premises and Address | Permitted activities and opening hours of the premises | Reason for application | Consultation end date |
Mr Alan Chandler
561137 |
AR Café @ Lady Heyes
Lady Heyes Farm Kingsley Road Frodsham WA6 6SU |
Live music
Monday to Saturday 14:00 to 22:00 Sunday 14:00 to 20:00 New Years Eve until 00:15
Supply of alcohol on and off the premises Monday to Saturday 11:00 to 23:00 Sunday 11:00 to 21:00
Application for the grant of a premises licence. | 14 October 2022 |
25. Shop within a Conservation area situated between 67 and 69A Main Street have fitted unsightly black external shutters
To note a query that has been received from a resident regarding the regulations of the use of security shutter in a conservation area.
26. Statutory consultation for Cadent’s proposed HyNet North West Hydrogen Pipeline under Section 42 of the Planning Act 2008 and the Infrastructure Planning Regulations 2009
To note the start of the statutory consultation for Cadent’s proposed HyNet North West Hydrogen Pipeline. This statutory consultation is open from 29 September 2022 to 10 November 2022. There will be a local consultation event at Frodsham Community Centre on Thursday 13 October from 10am – 1pm, an online event will also be held on Zoom on 20 October from 6pm – 7pm. Residents wishing to attend the online Zoom event need to register at:
26. Cadent HyNet North West Hydrogen Pipeline
27. Date of next meeting
Monday 14 November 2022 at 6.30pm.