Policy, Process & Revenue Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 1 (2019/20)

Policy, Process and Revenue Committee Agenda (1)

Policy, Process and Revenue Committee Minutes (1)


No Item
62 To elect a Chair
63 Apologies for absence – To note
64 Declarations of interest – To note
65 Minutes of Meetings

To agree minutes of Policy & Process Meeting held 28/10/19 as true and accurate record

65. PP Minutes 28-10-2019(4)

65.1 To agree minutes of Cemetery Committee Meeting held 16/10/2019 as a true and accurate record

65.1. Cemetery Minutes 16-10-19

66 Requests from the public to speak
67 To approve terms of reference for the Policy, Process & Revenue Committee

67. ToR 19-20

68 Finance

To approve and sign November finance report detailing payments of £41,616.43 and receipts of £11,247.26

68. Finance reports pack

68.1 To approve and sign November bank reconciliations
68.2 To retrospectively sign and approve the payments schedule of £29,081.80 for July 2019 and receipts of £28,777.62

68.2. July payments

68.3 To retrospectively approve payments schedule of £15,211.30 for August 2019 and receipts of £6,699.20

68.3. August payments

68.4 To consider recommendation to move bank accounts to Unity Trust Bank
68.5 To approve additional signatory to the CCLA investment fund
69 Budget 2020-2021

To consider budget to be recommended to Full Council at the budget setting meeting to be held on 13th January 2020

69. Budget discussion

70 Risk Assessment

To approve the risk assessment

70. Risk Assessment 2019-2020 (review)

71 Extension to the burial ground

To receive an update from the Clerk and agree any action to be taken

72 Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures

To adopt the model provided by the National Association of Local Councils and ACAS

72. NALC LTN 22 Disciplinary & Grievance

72. NALC Template Disciplinary FINAL -November 2019

72. NALC Template Grievance FINAL -November 2019

73 Website

To note the communications report for November 2019

74 Clerk’s items

To note any information items

75 Date of next meeting

Monday 24th February 2020 at 6pm
