Meeting 8
102. Apologies for absence
To receive apologies
103. Declarations of interest
To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda
104. Requests from the public to speak
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:
105. PCSO
To receive and note a report provided by PCSO Flanagan prior to the meeting
106. Cheshire West and Chester Council
To receive a report from Cllr Riley
107. Minutes of Meetings
- To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held 29th November 2021
- To approve the minutes of the meeting held 10th January 2021
107a. FTC Draft Minutes 29-11-2021
108. Accounts
- To note the account packs
- To approve and sign the accounts for November 2021 (deferred from PP&P)
- To approve and sign the accounts for December 2021
108b. Accounts pack November 2021
108c. Accounts pack December 2021
109. Scheme of Delegation
- To note the Scheme of Delegation approved 18/03/2020 to enable Frodsham Town Council to continue to operate in the absence of face to face meetings
- To consider retaining the amended Scheme of Delegation in the event of a future lockdown to enable business continuity in the absence of the ability to hold virtual meetings due to current legislation
110. Cemetery
- To consider re-instating the Cemetery Committee to meet as required and at least 4 times a year with a minimum membership of 4 councillors
- To consider giving delegated authority to the Cemetery Clerk, together with the Town Clerk, to manage the day to day running of the cemetery
111. Grounds maintenance service level agreement
- To receive a verbal update from Cllr H Hayes following the initial contractor meeting and note method for dealing with complaints and compliments
- To note the tender costs provided by the appointed contractor (Northwich Town Council)
112. Contracts
- To consider that award weighting criteria, to be applied to future contracts, is included in the tender pack
- To consider an amendment to Finance Regulation 11 (contracts) to permit tender documents to be received via email.
113. Staffing sub committee
- To review the terms of reference for the staffing sub committee
- To discuss formulation of an informal staffing working group to meet remotely via Zoom, report to staffing sub committee with all members able to participate
113a. Staffing Sub-Committee – ToR 2021-2022
114. Ship Street play area
- To note funding received from the Marshes Community Development Fund
- To consider how this sum can be managed by Green Gates Community Project
115. War memorial path
- To note the recommendation from the Amenities Committee meeting held 17th January 2022 to include restructuring of the area surrounding the memorial at an addition cost of approximately £39,000
- To note that grant funding could be sought to cover this additional cost
- To agree action to be taken
116. The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – Thursday 2 to Sunday 5 June 2022
- To receive a report from Cllr Wade (Chair, Events Committee)
- To consider working with local community groups
- To agree action to be taken
117. Exclusion of press and public (note this item may not be required)
To resolve, that in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded during consideration of the following item due to the sensitive nature of the item.
118. Castle Park House – facilities management/reception services
- To receive a verbal report from the Town Clerk, following a meeting held 20th January 2022 attended by Pam Bradley (Localities Manager, CWAC), Paul Jackson (Strategic Finance, CWAC), Cllr H Hayes (Chair) and Jo O’Donoghue (Town Clerk)
- To agree action to be taken