Agenda – Meeting 4 (2018/19
Frodsham Town Council Agenda 23.07.18 (4)
Frodsham Town Council Minutes 23.07.18 (4)
[ftctable]No | Item | ||||||||||||||||
48 | Apologies | ||||||||||||||||
49 | Declarations of Interest | ||||||||||||||||
50 | Minutes of the Meeting No2 – 21 May 2018
To approve and sign as a true record. |
51 | Minutes of the Meeting No3 – 4 June 2018
To approve and sign as a true record. |
52 | Right for the public to speak | ||||||||||||||||
52.1 | PCSO | ||||||||||||||||
52.2 | Other | ||||||||||||||||
53 | Goods Shed Consultation
To discuss and agree actions following a presentation by CWAC Officer. |
54 | Car Parking Update
To discuss and agree actions following a presentation by CWAC Officer. |
55 | Ship Street
To discuss the future of the land on Ship Street and agree any actions. |
56 | Finance Management: 01.05.18 – 30.06.18 – To note the finance report. | ||||||||||||||||
56.1 | Paid Expenditure
To note the total expenditure in May & June 2018 was £78,113.74 (£18,169.02 & £59,944.72 respectively). |
56.2 | Received Income
To note the total receipts in in May & June 2018 was £13,678.59 (10,862.89 & 2,815.70 respectively). |
56.3 | Bank Reconciliation
To note that, after all considerations total cash balances at the end of June 2018 were £394,485.21. |
57 | Committee Minutes | ||||||||||||||||
57.1a | Planning Committee – 4.06.18
To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken. |
57.1b | Planning Committee – 25.06.18
To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken. |
57.1c | Planning Committee – 10.07.18
To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken. |
57.1d | Planning Committee – 23.07.18
To note the minutes of the meeting will be presented to the next council meeting. |
57.1e | To agree that Cllr A Wordsworth can join the Planning Committee. | ||||||||||||||||
57.2 | Events Committee – 10.07.18
To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and the following recommendation: R1: It was agreed to extend the contract for the New Year’s Eve Firework display to the same company for another year @ £2,000+VAT – proposed and seconded by Cllrs C Ashton and P Williamson. |
57.3 | Cemetery Committee – 28.06.18
57.3 Cemetery Minutes 28.06.18 To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and the following recommendation: R1. It was agreed to accept the lower quote for the work to lay the grassloc path and dropped kerbs in the Family plot area @ £1,289.59+VAT – proposed and seconded by L Brown and J Critchley. |
57.4 | Environment Committee – 3.07.18
To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken. |
57.5a | P&P Committee – 25.06.18
To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and the following recommendation: R1: to agree the training and expenses budget heads should be amalgamated and revised for both staff and Cllrs:
Proposed and seconded by Cllrs J Critchley and A Oulton. R2: To approve the revised Financial Regulations -– proposed and seconded by Cllrs J Critchley and Lord F Pennington. The following proposals agreed by Executive Powers have been called in for further discussion by Cllrs C Ashton, T Reynolds and A Wordsworth: EP1: The following was agreed – proposed and seconded by Cllrs Lord F Pennington and D Critchley:
EP2: The following was agreed – proposed and seconded by Cllrs J Critchley and Lord F Pennington
57.5b | Consort’s Chain & Engraving work (P&P Minute 20)
To consider options for the replacement of the Consort’s regalia and the costs of engraving the Mayor’s chain and agree any actions. |
57.6 | Community Committee – 5.06.18
57.6. Community Minutes 5.06.18 To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and the following recommendation: R1. To agree that all land owned by FTC, except Ship Street, would be registered with both CWAC and FIT – proposed and seconded by Cllrs Lord F Pennington and C Ashton. |
58 | Land Registry Account
To discuss the need for up-to-date copies of land registry documents @ £150+VAT (approximately). To agree to set up an account with the Land Registry and approve the Direct Debit Mandate to make accessing the documents simpler. |
59 | Working Group Records | ||||||||||||||||
59.1a | Administration Reduction Working Group – Friday 8 June
59.1a Admin Reduction Working group minutes 8 June 2018 To receive and note the minutes of the meeting, any decisions taken and to discuss the following recommendations: R1. Abolish over 70s vouchers. R2. Reduce number of Councillors to 3 per ward. R3. Abolish the roles of Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Junior Mayors. |
59.1b | Administration Reduction Working Group – Friday 6 July
59.1b Admin Reduction Working group minutes 6 July 2018 To receive and note the minutes of the meeting, any decisions taken and the discuss the following recommendations: R1. Events Committee to be absorbed into Community Committee. R2. Number of Councillors to be reduced from 16 to 12 – 3 per ward. R3. Seek quotes from external contractors for all the work that the Estates Manager currently performs. R4. Abolish the roles of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Junior Mayors. |
59.2 | WW1 Commemorative Working Group
To note minutes of the Working Group meetings held on 13.06.18 & 11.07.18. |
59.3 | Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group
To note minutes of the Steering Group meetings held on 11.06.18, 26.06.18 & 9.07.18. 59.3a. NP Steering Group Meeting 11.06.18 |
60 | CWAC
To receive a verbal report from CWAC Councillors. |
61 | Thank You Campaign
To discuss and agree purchasing a silhouette @ £250+VAT to mark Royal British Legion’s Thank You campaign. |
62 | Town Meeting
To note the draft minutes of the Town Meeting and agree any actions. |
63 | Mayor’s Report
To receive a report from the Mayor. |
64 | Councillors’ Reports
To receive reports from councillors who have attended meetings of external bodies including:
Other items for information. |
65 | Clerk’s Report – To note any information items. | ||||||||||||||||
66 | Date of next meeting – Monday 24 September 2018 | ||||||||||||||||
PART B | |||||||||||||||||
67 | Confidential Matters
If required to discuss matters which are personal, sensitive or confidential. |