Frodsham Town Council

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 4 (2018/19

Frodsham Town Council Agenda 23.07.18 (4)

Frodsham Town Council Minutes 23.07.18 (4)


No Item
48 Apologies
49 Declarations of Interest
50 Minutes of the Meeting No2 – 21 May 2018

To approve and sign as a true record.

50. FTC Minutes 21.05.18 (2)

51 Minutes of the Meeting No3 – 4 June 2018

To approve and sign as a true record.

51. FTC EM Minutes 4.06.18 (3)

52 Right for the public to speak
52.1 PCSO
52.2 Other
53 Goods Shed Consultation

To discuss and agree actions following a presentation by CWAC Officer.

54 Car Parking Update

To discuss and agree actions following a presentation by CWAC Officer.

55 Ship Street

To discuss the future of the land on Ship Street and agree any actions.

56 Finance Management:  01.05.18 – 30.06.18 – To note the finance report.

56. Finance Report – 23 July 2018

56.1 Paid Expenditure

To note the total expenditure in May & June 2018 was £78,113.74 (£18,169.02 & £59,944.72 respectively).

56.2 Received Income

To note the total receipts in in May & June 2018 was £13,678.59 (10,862.89 & 2,815.70 respectively).

56.3 Bank Reconciliation

To note that, after all considerations total cash balances at the end of June 2018 were £394,485.21.

57 Committee Minutes
57.1a Planning Committee – 4.06.18

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

57.1a Planning Minutes 4.06.18 (1)

57.1b Planning Committee – 25.06.18

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

57.1b Planning Minutes 25.06.18 (2)

57.1c Planning Committee – 10.07.18

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

57.1c Planning Minutes 10.07.18 (3)

57.1d Planning Committee – 23.07.18

To note the minutes of the meeting will be presented to the next council meeting.

57.1e To agree that Cllr A Wordsworth can join the Planning Committee.
57.2 Events Committee – 10.07.18

57.2 Events Minutes 10.07.18

To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and the following recommendation:

R1: It was agreed to extend the contract for the New Year’s Eve Firework display to the same company for another year @ £2,000+VAT – proposed and seconded by Cllrs C Ashton and P Williamson.

57.3 Cemetery Committee – 28.06.18

57.3 Cemetery Minutes 28.06.18

To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and the following recommendation:

R1. It was agreed to accept the lower quote for the work to lay the grassloc path and dropped kerbs in the Family plot area @ £1,289.59+VAT – proposed and seconded by L Brown and J Critchley.

57.4 Environment Committee – 3.07.18

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

57.4 Environment Minutes 03.07.18

57.5a P&P Committee – 25.06.18

57.5 PP Minutes 25 06 18 (1)

To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and the following recommendation:

R1: to agree the training and expenses budget heads should be amalgamated and revised for both staff and Cllrs:

7. Training & Expenses Original Revised
Staff 900 1,250
Council 750 400
Total 1,650 1,650

Proposed and seconded by Cllrs J Critchley and A Oulton.

R2: To approve the revised Financial Regulations -– proposed and seconded by Cllrs J Critchley and Lord F Pennington.

57.5 R2. Fin Regs 2018-19

The following proposals agreed by Executive Powers have been called in for further discussion by Cllrs C Ashton, T Reynolds and A Wordsworth:

EP1: The following was agreed – proposed and seconded by Cllrs Lord F Pennington and D Critchley:

  • Mayor’s chain – to get the chain (hard gold plating) and pendant refurbished @£950+VAT.  TC to find out what guarantees are given on the work.

EP2: The following was agreed – proposed and seconded by Cllrs J Critchley and Lord F Pennington

  • Deputy Mayor – to get the chain and pendant refurbished and mounted on a collar @ £875+VAT. TC to discuss the potential of shortening the chain as well.
57.5b Consort’s Chain & Engraving work (P&P Minute 20)

To consider options for the replacement of the Consort’s regalia and the costs of engraving the Mayor’s chain and agree any actions.

57.6 Community Committee – 5.06.18

57.6. Community Minutes 5.06.18

To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and the following recommendation:

R1.  To agree that all land owned by FTC, except Ship Street, would be registered with both CWAC and FIT – proposed and seconded by Cllrs Lord F Pennington and C Ashton.

58 Land Registry Account

To discuss the need for up-to-date copies of land registry documents @ £150+VAT (approximately). To agree to set up an account with the Land Registry and approve the Direct Debit Mandate to make accessing the documents simpler.

59 Working Group Records
59.1a Administration Reduction Working Group – Friday 8 June

59.1a Admin Reduction Working group minutes 8 June 2018

To receive and note the minutes of the meeting, any decisions taken and to discuss the following recommendations:

R1. Abolish over 70s vouchers.

R2. Reduce number of Councillors to 3 per ward.

R3. Abolish the roles of Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Junior Mayors.

59.1b Administration Reduction Working Group – Friday 6 July

59.1b Admin Reduction Working group minutes 6 July 2018

To receive and note the minutes of the meeting, any decisions taken and the discuss the following recommendations:

R1. Events Committee to be absorbed into Community Committee.

R2. Number of Councillors to be reduced from 16 to 12 – 3 per ward.

R3. Seek quotes from external contractors for all the work that the Estates Manager currently performs.

R4. Abolish the roles of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Junior Mayors.

59.2 WW1 Commemorative Working Group

To note minutes of the Working Group meetings held on 13.06.18 & 11.07.18.

59.2 WW1 Record 130618

59.2 WW1 Record 110718

59.3 Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

To note minutes of the Steering Group meetings held on 11.06.18, 26.06.18 & 9.07.18.

59.3a. NP Steering Group Meeting 11.06.18

59.3b NP Steering Group Meeting 26.06.18

59.3c NP Steering Group Meeting 9.07.18


To receive a verbal report from CWAC Councillors.

61 Thank You Campaign

To discuss and agree purchasing a silhouette @ £250+VAT to mark Royal British Legion’s Thank You campaign.

62 Town Meeting

To note the draft minutes of the Town Meeting and agree any actions.

62. TM Minutes 7.07.18 Draft

63 Mayor’s Report

To receive a report from the Mayor.

64 Councillors’ Reports

To receive reports from councillors who have attended meetings of external bodies including:

  • North Cheshire Rail Users Group – 19 June & 17 July (Cllr L Jones)
  • Protos Community Forum – 20 June (Cllr A Wordsworth)
  • Castle Park Trust Executive Committee – 28 June (Cllrs J Critchley & M Nield)
  • Weaver & Sandstone Cycle Forum – 10 July (Cllr P Martin)

Other items for information.

65 Clerk’s Report – To note any information items.
66 Date of next meeting – Monday 24 September 2018
67 Confidential Matters

If required to discuss matters which are personal, sensitive or confidential.
