Environment Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 5 (2016/17)

Environment Committee Agenda 07.11.17

Environment Committee Minutes 07.11.17


No Item
70 Apologies for Absence
71 Declarations of Interest
72 Minutes of Meeting 4 held on 4 October 2017: Acceptance and signing.
73 Opportunity for the Public to Speak
74 Tarvin Community Woodland Trust

To receive a presentation from the Trust about their experience of community management of woods.


75 Hob Hey Wood

To consider future management options and agree actions.

76 Cheshire’s Sandstone Ridge

To agree to add straplines to the boundary signs saying ‘Gateway to the Sandstone Ridge’ @ £1,067.54+£35 delivery + VAT

77 End of Year Forecast

To review the actual figures for the half year and the end of year forecast and recommend any changes to council.

78 Action Plan & Budget 2018-19

To discuss and agree the Action Plan for 2018-19 and the budget needed to achieve it.

Environment Action Plan for 2017-18

79 Manley Copse
79.1 To note an application has been made to the Woodland Trust for a Copse Pack & Hedging Pack.
79.2 To review the plan of action for the development of the Copse and agree actions.
79.3 To discuss the option of making the Copse into a Centenary Field to secure a piece of land in perpetuity to commemorate the WWI dead.
80 Commemorative Trees Policy

To review the policy and make recommendations to council.

Draft Revised Tree Policy

Overview of the Commemorative Tree Scheme

Details of Commemorative Trees

81 Tree Matters
81.1 To receive an update on the Howey Lane and agree any actions.

Plan of FTC land ownership at Churchfields

81.2 To agree to accept the grant for the Kemp Tree and pay the nursery.
82 Community Orchards

To receive and update on the Ship Street Community Garden and agree action.

83 Memorial Field

To consider a request to purchase poppy seeds to plant at the memorial field at a cost of £20.

84 Rights of Way Maintenance

To discuss any issues and agree actions.

85 Litter Picking

To agree the date and location of the next event.

86 River Weaver Navigation Society

To receive an update and agree actions.

87 Terms of Reference

To review and amend the Terms of Reference following the establishment of the Events Committee, and recommend them to council.

Environment_ToR 2017-18 v2-Draft

88 Clerk’s Items

Any other matters considered to be urgent for discussion, or item for next agenda.

89 Date of the next meeting: Tuesday 5 December at 7pm at Castle Park House.
